Yorkshire Post

Deal to form coalition government in limbo until German party holds poll


CHANCELLOR ANGELA Merkel’s conservati­ves and Germany’s main centre-left party have reached an agreement to form a new coalition government after a final negotiatin­g session that dragged on for 24 hours.

However, the deal between Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), its Bavariaonl­y sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), and the centre-left Social Democrats will not bring an immediate end to the political limbo following the September 24 election.

A deal will be put to a ballot of the Social Democrats’ more than 460,000 members, a process that will take a few weeks. Many members are sceptical after the party’s disastrous election result, which followed four years of a “grand coalition” with the party serving as junior partner to Mrs Merkel’s conservati­ves.

On the conservati­ve side, Mrs Merkel needs only the approval of a party congress of her CDU – a far lower hurdle.

The country has already broken its post-Second World War record for the longest time between an election and the swearing-in of a new government.

The chancellor’s chief of staff, Peter Altmaier, said: “We have a coalition agreement that means positive things for many, many citizens.

“And now we all want to have a shower, because we have negotiated long and hard over the last few hours.”

A rejection of the deal by Social Democrat members would mean a minority government under Mrs Merkel or a new election.

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