Yorkshire Post

Nolan holds back the tears over her divorce


COLEEN NOLAN, inset, held back tears as she said her divorce from her husband of 10 years, Ray Fensome, has been “really hard”.

The panellist appeared on the ITV programme after she revealed in the

where she acts as an agony aunt, that the couple were no longer able to make their marriage work.

Speaking for the first time since sharing the news, she said: “It’s been really hard, and it’s still really fresh and we’ve only just filed, he’s only just moved out. I said at the beginning of last year we were having issues but hopefully we were going to sort them out, and we have really, really tried. We were never ones to go ‘Oh, we’re having problems, let’s call it a day’ – we both tried. “It gets to the point where you think, you know, we tried, it’s not working. Life has done that and we can’t get it back together.” Nolan continued: “For the sake of our future happiness and our kids, especially Ciara, who’s mine and Ray’s daughter, it gets to a point, being an agony aunt I get these letters all the time from women who are in very similar situations and I was giving them advice, sometimes when you’ve tried everything, it’s OK, it’s not a failure to say ‘We tried – move on’. As I was saying it, I was thinking ‘I need to start listening to my own advice’. I can say it to them because I’m not emotionall­y attached, so I had to listen to my own advice.” Nolan, 52, appeared upset as she talked.

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