Yorkshire Post

We’ve avoided becoming Nazi Party, says Ukip’s new leader


UKIP’S new leader Henry Bolton has said the party has avoided becoming the “UK Nazi Party” with his election at the expense of a candidate who described Islam as “evil”.

The little-known candidate beat the two front-runners in the contest – controvers­ial Sharia Watch director Anne Marie Waters and London Assembly member Peter Whittle – to win with 3,874 votes.

His shock victory avoided a potential split, with a number of MEPs reportedly threatenin­g to quit if Ms Waters won, and appeared to bring back on board Ukip big-hitters Nigel Farage and millionair­e donor Arron Banks.

The former Army officer told the party’s conference in Torquay: “Brexit is our core task, however, it is not the end of the line” and signalled a softening of Ukip’s message on Islam.

Asked whether Ukip had avoided becoming the “UK Nazi Party”, referring to comments he made in the campaign, Mr Bolton told a press conference: “Absolutely, yes.”

He went on: “Absolutely, I think the party has today voted for a leader who has been very open about what he feels is the way forward, and that’s myself of course.”

Shortly after his victory was announced, Mr Farage took to Twitter to declare himself “delighted”, describing Mr Bolton as “a man of real substance”.

Insurance tycoon Mr Banks signalled he may begin backing Ukip again, which would be seen as a major coup for the new leader.

 ??  ?? HENRY BOLTON: Ex-Army officer won with 3,874 votes.
HENRY BOLTON: Ex-Army officer won with 3,874 votes.

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