Yorkshire Post

Parents are ‘pulling children out of RE’

- STEVE TEALE NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT ■ Email: yp.newsdesk@ypn.co.uk ■ Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

Parents’ rights to withdraw their children from RE lessons are being exploited by some who do not want their children to learn about other faiths, particular­ly Islam, a senior Church of England official has warned.

PARENTS’ RIGHTS to withdraw their children from RE lessons are being exploited by some who do not want their children to learn about other faiths, particular­ly Islam, a senior Church of England official has warned.

Such a move denies youngsters the chance to learn how to live and get along with others with different background­s and beliefs, according to Derek Holloway, the Church’s lead on religious education, who says such moves are widespread across the country.

He said he is aware of mothers and fathers with extremist views or religious beliefs who are taking their children out of RE lessons.

Rules allowing parents to withdraw pupils from these classes need to be scrapped, Mr Holloway said.

In a blog, he said that while RE, along with every other subject, can help to combat extremism and encourage community relations, “these are not its core purpose nor its main aims”.

“To enable all to ‘live well together’ there is a need for all pupils from all background­s to receive a broad and balanced curriculum that includes high-quality RE.

“Sadly, and dangerousl­y, the right of withdrawal from RE is now being exploited by a range of ‘interest groups’ often using a dubious interpreta­tion of human rights legislatio­n.

“The right of withdrawal from RE now gives comfort to those who are breaking the law and seeking to incite religious hatred.

“To the detriment of the subject the right of withdrawal also perpetuate­s the myth that RE is confession­al in all schools and aligns RE too closely with collective worship in the minds of the media and the public.”

The Church believes the right for parents to withdraw children from RE should be repealed, with a national statement of a child’s entitlemen­t to RE lessons being drawn up, Mr Holloway said.

He added: “Through RE teacher social media forums and feedback from our RE advisers, I am aware that some parents have sought to exploit the right to withdraw children from RE lessons.

“This is seemingly because they do not want their children exposed to other faiths and world views, in particular Islam.

“We are concerned that this is denying those pupils the opportunit­y to develop the skills they need to ‘live well together’ as adults.”

This also puts schools in an “impossible position” as they have to show Ofsted inspectors they are preparing pupils for life in modern Britain, Mr Holloway warned.

“Anecdotall­y, there have also been some cases in different parts of the country of parents with fundamenta­list religious beliefs also taking a similar course,” he said.

“This is not confined to any one particular religion or area of the country.”

He stressed: “The Church of England is far from alone in this view and we support the broad consensus across the sector – both from teachers and RE advisers – that the right of withdrawal from RE is being exploited by a minority and should now be reviewed.”

He added that the Church does not want to see parents’ rights to withdraw pupils from assemblies reviewed or scrapped.

The Church of England currently operates 4,700 schools, but plans to open an additional 125 free schools by 2020 – more than a quarter of the total number planned for that period.

The Church of England says that church schools prioritise the developmen­t of children more than secular schools.

This is denying pupils the opportunit­y to ‘live well together’ as adults. Derek Holloway, the Church’s lead on religious education.

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