Woman's Weekly (UK)

Your stars

- For 15-21 May with Bracha Goldsmith yourastrol­ogysigns.com


This is a good time to let go of the old. Don’t allow your fears to dominate. You are ready to take on something new, so be brave and forge ahead. TAURUS 21 APR 21 MAY

Do your best to have a positive attitude in all situations, no matter how challengin­g they appear. You’ll be glad you did. GEMINI 22 MAY 21 JUN

You’re coming into a period of immense change. Embrace it, as many new and wonderful opportunit­ies can emerge. CANCER 22 JUN 23 JUL

Step out this week and attempt to do something you’ve never done before. Go for it! The excitement is palpable.


Don’t settle for second best. Keep striving and focusing on what’s most important to you. It will be worth the wait. VIRGO 24 AUG 23 SEP

It’s time for some internal work. It’s often easy to see the mistakes others are making.

Put the focus back on yourself and you’ll feel much better.

LIBRA 24 SEP 23 OCT Relationsh­ips are centre stage for you this week. Make sure you listen very carefully to what’s being said before jumping to any conclusion­s. SCORPIO 24 OCT 22 NOV

If something is no longer giving you any joy, make a change. Everything is within reach once you make your final decision. SAGITTARIU­S 23 NOV 21 DEC No problem is too big for you to solve. Face each task with focus and concentrat­ion, and your answers will come. CAPRICORN 22 DEC 20 JAN This isn’t a time for waiting, it’s a time for action. Every baby step you take is moving you closer to your final goal. AQUARIUS 21 JAN 19 FEB Important decisions may need to be made. Calm yourself, go within, activate your intuition and allow it to guide you. PISCES 20 FEB 20 MAR

If you can reduce or eradicate your expectatio­ns, you will find a great feeling of relief.

All stresses will fall away and happiness will return to your life.

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