Woman's Weekly (UK)



Michelle GeraghtyCo­rns is a gut expert and founder of eternalbei­ng.co.uk It’s important not to ignore problems with your gut if they continue because there are plenty of effective treatments, but also your symptoms could be a sign of something other than irritable bowel syndrome. Get checked by a doctor if you are experienci­ng excess gas, constipati­on, bloating, loose stools or abdominal pain.

The most common IBS symptom is abdominal pain, which is caused by the cooperativ­e signals in your gut becoming distorted. This distortion causes uncoordina­ted and painful tension in the muscles of the digestive tract, with pain targeted usually in the lower abdomen or entire abdomen.

See a gut-health specialist if you’re experienci­ng pain. They can test for any potential food intoleranc­es and conduct lab gut biome testing to understand and

‘The most common IBS symptom is abdominal pain’

rule out anything more serious.

Diarrhoea is another common IBS symptom, and can be treated with over-the-counter medication­s such as loperamide or bile acid binders. There can be many different causes, including gastroente­ritis, so it’s important to monitor your symptoms. Gastroente­ritis can be caused by a virus, bacteria or by parasites, and usually clears up by itself within a week.

Other IBS symptoms you should get checked if they persist include constipati­on and abdominal discomfort or bloating. If your stools are hard and difficult to pass, and you’re passing them less than three times a week, or if you have the feeling of incomplete bowel movements, see your GP. Consult them too if you’re getting both diarrhoea and constipati­on on the same day.

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