Woman's Own

‘My tummy fizzed with excitement and nerves!’


Jennifer Bailey, 44, is CEO of Calla Shoes and lives in Warrington with her husband Gary, 42.

Gingerly peeling off my gym clothes, I eyed the black-and-blue skin all down my sides and legs. ‘Good night?’ my husband Gary asked. ‘Really good,’ I beamed back.

Getting kicked and punched isn’t everyone’s idea of fun but, since taking up kickboxing four years ago, I have to admit, I absolutely love it!


I’ve always been sporty, ever since I played netball and hockey at school. But when I did a taster class of taekwondo, aged 25, I discovered my real passion. I loved the discipline­d, traditiona­l moves of the martial art, but also the mental aspect of having to concentrat­e completely on what you were doing. Going twice a week, I found it a great way to release stress – and stay fit.

But over the years, I found that I seemed to be getting worse at it, not better, as I became older and less agile. ‘I need a new challenge,’ I said to Gary, as I approached my 40th birthday.

For years, I’d thought about trying kickboxing but, as you were allowed to punch and kick, I’d worried about the injuries I might face, quite literally, head on.


However as I hit my milestone birthday, I realised if I didn’t give it a go now, I never would. So, my tummy fizzing with excitement and nerves, I signed up for my first class.

I loved it as much as I thought I would! It was a whole different level of fitness, but thankfully my previous training gave me the stamina to keep up.

And although I had my concerns about sparring, it wasn’t as bad as I’d worried. You wear boxing gloves, which dull the impact, and a head guard to protect you from serious injuries. Plus, you are so full of adrenalin, you only feel the bumps and bruises afterwards.

This year, I even signed up for a national sparring competitio­n – and I’m delighted to say I beat my opponent!

I’m so glad I found my inner Rocky and gave kickboxing a fighting chance.

✣ callashoes.co.uk


 ?? ?? Jennifer set her inner Rocky free
Jennifer set her inner Rocky free

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