Wokingham Today

Fibro group push to save hydro pool

- By SUE CORCORAN news@wokinghamp­aper.co.uk

A MUM is fighting to save the Royal Berkshire Hospital’s treatment pool which she says makes a huge difference to the life of herself and others.

Debra Langley, 53, fromWoking­ham, has fibromyalg­ia, a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body. She is also epileptic.

She said physio sessions in the RBH hydrothera­py pool give her blessed relief, reducing her pain and stiffness – and making her happier.

Now Ms Langley fears a new public consultati­on into the pool’s future will end with the pool, closed since March due to Covid-19, shutting for ever.

She and fellow members of Reading and District Fibromyalg­ia Group’s hydrothera­py section are campaignin­g to keep the pool which they hire for sessions.

Ms Langley says she and her friends are “a lot of stiffer and not as mobile” since the pool’s Covid closure.

“My pain levels are higher now, I have more flare ups,” said Ms Langley. She feels hydrothera­py has benefits over land based physio:

“A physiother­apist comes into the water to show us different movements to help us.

“The water, which is warm, supports your body. In the pool I can exercise parts I can’t otherwise.

“I can do twists: I wouldn’t dream of doing them on land, it hurts too much.

“The difference is quite remarkable, and it’s lovely. My body gets looser, not so stiff.”

Her son Dominic, 16, a former St Crispin’s School pupil going onto Reading College, is her young carer and sees his mum change after hydrothera­py.

“He tells me I’m happier because I’m not hurting so much,” she said.

Ms Langley, a former administra­tor, also has carers to help her shower.

Berkshire West Clinical Commission­ing Group (BWCCG) hydrothera­py services currently provided at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. The group is consulting the public, until Monday, November 2, about the future provision of hydrothera­py. The group’s governing body will discuss the survey results, in public, on Tuesday, December 8.

Reading and District Fibromyalg­ia Group’s hydrothera­py section hire the pool for about 72 hours a year which equates to 500 patient hours of treatment a year. Members pay for all their private treatment costs, both for the pool hire and the cost of physiother­apists.

Section representa­tive Ian Smith claimed: “The consultati­on is an effort to try to close the pool. They tried to close it a couple of years ago.”

But a petition had helped stop the plan.

He added: “I believe they are using the Covid closure as a perfect opportunit­y to have the review and try to shut down the pool.

“The [pool] is not being managed properly, it’s not advertised enough. I don’t know if all GPs know there is one in the area.”

And he added: “If hydrothera­py is withdrawn how many additional appointmen­ts will be made to GPs, pain management consultant­s and others?” he asked.

Mr Smith said he had followed his GP and physios’ advice about his initial fibromyalg­ia treatment but eventually could hardlywalk.

“The physios and GP then prescribed me an NHS course of hydrothera­py and that was the start of my improvemen­t. I still suffer great problems, I’m disabled and have a Blue Badge. Hydro arranged under our private hire allows me to be as good as I can be. Land based physiother­apy wipes me out,” he said.

Out of 107,000 physiother­apy appointmen­ts BWCCG commission­s each year, around 1,800 (1.7%) are for NHS hydrothera­py, it said. Land based physio normally costs £22 to £45 a time and hydrothera­py around £150, it added. Hydrothera­py is used to treat conditions including arthritis, muscular skeletal and neurologic­al conditions.

BWCCG states that the National Institute for Care Excellence does not recommend hydrothera­py over convention­al physio for any condition.

The group acknowledg­es that despite a “lack of definitive clinical evidence, it is recognised that some clinicians and patients believe there is a therapeuti­c benefit for certain patients.

It’s shown to improve mobility, strengthen muscles, increase circulatio­n and help movement in some painful joints.”

A BWCCG spokespers­on said the group had a responsibi­lity to ensure services it commission­ed were fit for purpose, to provide appropriat­e healthcare for the benefit of asmany as possible and ensure NHS resources were spent prudently.

The spokesman added: “We are therefore holding a statutory threemonth public consultati­on to allow all interested parties to contribute to the discussion on the future of commission­ing hydrothera­py in BerkshireW­est.

“The consultati­on paper and questionna­ire give very detailed informatio­n about the number of NHS patients prescribed hydrothera­py services in Berkshire West and the facts regarding the costs of these services compared to land based physiother­apy. There’s alsowider informatio­n … to allowfor open and informed input into the consultati­on.

“Covid has forced the closure of the hydrothera­py service since March and it’s likely to remain this way for a considerab­le period of time to minimise the number of patients accessing services at the Royal Berkshire Hospital which is an acute hospital site.

“This is vital to maintain safe social distancing and limit footfall to the site to keep patients and staff properly protected.

“Given the open-ended nature of the pandemic, the CCG agreed that this is an appropriat­e time to examine future options for commission­ing hydrothera­py services.”

 ?? Picture: Debra Langley ?? Debra Langley and her son Dominic, who acts has her carer
Picture: Debra Langley Debra Langley and her son Dominic, who acts has her carer

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