Wokingham Today

Building Society nets Skills Academy nod

- By JOHN WAKEFIELD news@wokinghamp­aper.co.uk

A LOCAL building society with a branch in Wokingham’s town centre has received a reaccredit­ation from the National Skills Academy for Financial Services.

The award acknowledg­es the effectiven­ess of Newbury Building Society’s training programme and its implementa­tion of active and valuable in-house support designed to help all of its employees reach their potential.

Anne-Marie Goldsmith, HR Manager at Newbury Building Society, said: “We are delighted to be recognised by the National

Skills Academy as an institutio­n which delivers excellence to financial services.

“This is an acknowledg­ement of the Society’s quality of training and continued profession­al developmen­t of all employees. We pride ourselves on fostering a learning culture, and give those who wish to further grow their skills within the financial world the tools and support to be able to do so.

“This means that our staff are always top of their game, and on-hand to help members directly in-branch or behind the scenes to the best of their ability.”

The Society underwent an in-depth audit of its learning and developmen­t function, and had to provide evidence that the training and developmen­t programme supported both new and existing employees while, at the same time, help deliver wider business objectives.

Trevor Child, Head of Employer Engagement at the National Skills and Academy for Financial Services said: “Newbury Building Society has been awarded accreditat­ion status with the National Skills Academy for Financial Services, to confirm its training function is doing all the things expected of a Financial Services – and to a very high standard.

“The criterion to achieve accreditat­ion status reflects both the needs of the Society and employees. Newbury Building Society’s achievemen­t is now recognised on the Academy’s website.”

The Skills Academy’s accreditat­ion programme is specifical­ly designed for financial services and involved an assessment of performanc­e in leadership and strategy, training and developmen­t needs, quality of training and developmen­t provision, and facilities and resource. An organisati­on has to meet each of the standards to be successful.

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