Wokingham Today

Problem solving

- Geo Peck is a member of Woosehill Commmunity Church, submi ed on behalf of Churches Together in Wokingham

WE all have problems when events do not happen the way we hope, so what do we do when things go wrong? Sometimes we feel guilty because in retrospect we feel that we should have acted in a different way. Sometimes we resent somebody else for doing something that has caused us to have a problem.

In many ways how we deal with setbacks defines how we succeed as people. If you let yourself be discourage­d by a setback, it makes eventually succeeding with the task much harder.

There are many ways of responding to a setback, our response will be influenced by our personal history, but whatever has gone on in the past we still choose. Understand­ing how my past experience influences the decisions I make today is very helpful.

What is important is how we deal with setbacks and that we remain true to ourselves. In my case I have a firm faith in God and this helps me deal with problems because I know I have support in any situation. I find it easier to get past difficulti­es and to move on toward my goals as I am not alone in dealing with the setbacks.

I contact God through prayer which gives a time of stillness and a time to think of others, which I find invaluable. Prayer enables me to look at events from a different point of view.

I share my problems with God, so the responsibi­lity for dealing with the problem is shared and I can relax a bit more, which makes dealing with the problem easier.

A relationsh­ip with God also helps me to understand myself better, which helps to make more consistent decisions that are better in the long term. Knowing God also makes it easier to identify the right thing to do, the most ethical option is also the one that would please God most and one that I will be happier with in the long term.

A relationsh­ip with God makes my journey through life much smoother because there is less ego. Sharing the journey of Life with God means decisions are influenced by God and that decisions should be less self-centred.

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