Wishaw Press

Sutton:Fans shouldhave beenthere


Former Motherwell favourite John Sutton believes fans should have been allowed into Fir Park for the clash with Rangers.

The 36-year-old insists that a small number of fans could easily work within the Covid guidelines for a test event.

The retired striker, who is now a youth coach at Morton, has called for the sacrifices of clubs and their fans to be noted by the Scottish Government.

“I am worried about the future of clubs,”he said.

“All clubs are doing what they can to respect the rules it seems like, but it’s hard to come to terms with the fact you can go to the pub and socially distance, but you look at Fir Park and you can’t.

“Fir Park holds around 14,000 so you would imagine you could get the distancing in quite well there.

“Nobody has acknowledg­ed the good that football does.

“I know it’s not the most important thing in the world but there has been a deafening silence.

“With my job at Morton, we would have been able to have a reserve team and give young boys from school an opportunit­y to make a career in football.

“Fans love going to games and being part of the social side of things.

“There is no doubt that it’s not the most important thing in the world, but it would be nice for some kind of acknowledg­ment that people are making sacrifices.

“Motherwell are making sacrifices for the greater good, and that has been a bit neglected.”

Sutton says the blow has also been felt at grassroots level where he reckons parents should be allowed to cheer on their kids from the sidelines.

He went on:“It does seem strange that somebody has to drop their kids off and then go to a coffee shop, rather than stand outside the fence and watch their children play.”

 ??  ?? Disappoint­ed ‘Well hero John Sutton
Disappoint­ed ‘Well hero John Sutton

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