Wishaw Press



Neighbours watched in shock as a Craigneuk man armed with a knife chased another person along the street in broad daylight.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard that Daniel Boyle had consumed a cocktail of drugs on the day of his grandfathe­r’s funeral.

Boyle, 31, was jailed for a year on Friday when he admitted unlawful possession of a blade in Laurel Drive on June 15.

He was on bail for a similar charge at the time.

Jennifer McLaren, prosecutin­g, said residents saw a confrontat­ion from their window at 4pm.

She told the court: “The accused was engaged in an altercatio­n with an unknown man and then chased him.

“A yellow-handled kitchen knife was protruding from the waistband of Boyle’s jogging bottoms.

“As he gave chase the knife fell out on to the road.

“Both men ran out of view, but the accused returned, retrieved the knife and went into his house.”

Police were called and when officers went to Boyle’s home they found him in the living room. The knife was on a coffee table.

Defence agent Stephen MacBride said the incident took place on the day Boyle’s grandfathe­r was laid to rest.

Mr MacBride stated: “My client wasn’t in a good place at that time.

“He was drinking and in the grip of a drug addiction. On the day of the funeral he had taken valium, heroin and crack cocaine, and his decision-making wasn’t clever. A man came to his door, there was an altercatio­n and my client found himself outside. We have heard what happened next.”

Sheriff Thomas Millar said prison was inevitable given Boyle’s record.

He told the accused: “Your conviction­s include assault to severe injury involving a bottle and at the time of this offence you were on deferred sentence for possession of a knife.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Right call? Staff, left, at Girdwoods bar are taking all the right precaution­s
but bar owner Maura Mclaughlin thinks 10pm
closing is wrong
Right call? Staff, left, at Girdwoods bar are taking all the right precaution­s but bar owner Maura Mclaughlin thinks 10pm closing is wrong

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