Wishaw Press

I was only patient to survive on the ward


A Shotts Covid-19 survivor has told how he was the only patient on his hospital ward who didn’t die from the killer bug.

Haulier boss Stuart Nicol spent 14 days in an induced coma on an intensive care unit (ICU) at Wishaw hospital as doctors battled to save his life.

As his major organs started to fail and his kidneys stopped working, Stuart’s devastated wife Sharon was twice told he might not live.

The 41-year-old diabetic, now recovering at home, was the only patient being treated in the ICU to recover, although hospital staff did not tell him how many actually died.

Now doctors want to use his miracle recovery as a case study into the virus.

He said: “Nursing staff said I was the only one to pull through from the week I was admitted. There were people on the ward who were the same age as me who didn’t make it.

“This disease has been devastatin­g. I don’t know how many people were in my ward, I wasn’t told the figure. After I woke up, doctors asked for my permission to be featured in a case study.

“It’s very sad, as I know of someone who was at school with me who didn’t come through.”

The dad was one of 29 people taken into intensive care on March 29 – the peak day of 29 ICU admissions in Scotland.

Just two days earlier, he had been taken to hospital by ambulance after he fell ill and had trouble breathing.

Medical staff initially tried to raise his oxygen levels before rushing him to the ICU.

Stuart was put in an induced coma and hooked to a ventilator – fewer than one in two people survive after being on the machine.

Teacher Sharon had to tell their 11-year-old daughter Nyree her dad might not be coming home.

She said: “I had to explain to her how bad things were. But then 12 hours went by and he was still alive, then 24. It became a process of simply getting through the day with him still fighting.”

The following week, consultant­s warned that Stuart’s kidneys had failed and he was put on dialysis.

Sharon said: “That was a real low point. The medical staff said it might be the end and I had to phone every two hours for an update.

“They said they’d call me if anything happened. But the phone never rang and a glimmer of hope appeared over the coming days.”

Stuart’s condition began to improve and on April 10 he was able to breathe without a ventilator, but because of his kidneys, doctors moved him to specialist renal unit at Monklands Hospital in Airdrie.

Stuart said: “I was put into a coma and woke up on Good Friday. That really was a good Friday for me.

“I remember nothing about being in a coma apart from some weird, vivid dreams.”

Stuart, who runs Stuart Nicol Transport, said it was possible he caught the virus after going to Cardiff to watch a rugby match.

He said: “I’d travelled to the Six Nations rugby in Cardiff between Scotland and Wales on March 13.

“By the time we got down, we discovered the game had been cancelled. The boys decided to make the best of things so we stayed until the Sunday as planned.

“But by the middle of the next week I was starting to feel ill. Then the next week, Sharon said my breathing had changed. I had no energy, a high temperatur­e.

“By the Friday, Sharon was so concerned she phoned NHS 24 but couldn’t get through. We called our GP, who told us to call an ambulance immediatel­y. I thought I was fine and was chatting away before I realised I was being blue-lighted.”

Stuart tested negative twice for

Covid-19 and it was only the third test – the results of which came back when he was already in a coma – that confirmed he had the virus.

A report published by the Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group report on Covid-19 earlier this month shows how on March 29, Stuart was one of 29 patients admitted to ICU.

The report also revealed that 94 people between the ages of 16 and 49 – Stuart’s age bracket – were in ICU between March 1 and May 16.

Sharon and Stuart are eternally grateful to the doctors and nurses who saved his life and a video filmed by Sharon shows emotional medical staff and patients clapping Stuart out of the hospital on April 24.

He said: “Every day is a blessing with my family thanks to the medical care I got from the NHS.

“They would do anything for the patients and I really want to say thank you to them for all they did for me and my family.”

 ??  ?? Survivor Stuart with wife Sharon and daughter Nyree
Survivor Stuart with wife Sharon and daughter Nyree

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