Wishaw Press

Jail for Iphone that was taser

Man had illegal weapon in house

- Court reporter

A man found by police at his former home with an illegal taser disguised as a mobile phone has been jailed.

Drew Southall appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court last week for sentencing having already admitted being in possession of the weapon on February 22 last year.

The court heard that when police searched the address in John Muir Way, Motherwell, they found a large bag containing a number of items.

One of the items was a taser – which had the appearance of an iPhone – capable of giving an electric charge. Southall was then arrested. Tasers are illegal in the UK and possession of one can carry a jail sentence.

They can be bought in the United States where they are marketed as personal safety devices.

They are also widely available on the internet.

In court last week, Southall’s solicitor asked Sheriff Daniel Kelly QC to keep his client out of prison as he said Southall was keeping the taser for someone else.

However, those appeals fell on deaf ears as Sheriff Kelly decided that custody was the only option open to him given the sev severity of the cri crime.

Sheriff Kelly ad added: “You ha have pled guiltyil to h havingi a taser ini your house.

“These are dangerous implements and do look like iPhones and it is hard to see any real need for them.

“It is important to deter anyone from having and to prevent their use.

“There is no alternativ­e to a custodial sentence.”

Southall, now of Donford Avenue, Mount Vernon, was sentenced to 10 months in prison.

At a previous hearing, Southall was cleared of failing to appear at Hamilton Sheriff Court in February of this year.

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 ??  ?? Disguised Taser looked like an iPhone. Above, a police taser
Disguised Taser looked like an iPhone. Above, a police taser

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