Western Morning News

Join fundraisin­g walks along SW coastal trail


THE charity which has been caring for the South West Coast Path for over 50 years is urging people to step up and join them on one of their ‘Every Mile Matters’ coastal fundraisin­g walks during May and June.

The South West Coast Path Associatio­n is seeking to raise £50,000 to help protect the world’s leading National Trail which it says is under increasing threat from severe weather conditions.

The ‘Magnificen­t 7’ walks are taking place across each of the seven sections of the 630 mile coast path and have been designed to make it easy for everyone to join in, while giving back and supporting the work the charity does to protect and champion the trail.

It now costs at least £1,500 to look after every mile of the path each year, but the charity says increasing­ly severe weather conditions, coastal erosion, rising sea levels and increased footfall mean its structure and unique wildlife are under threat. A spokeperso­n said: “With over 30,000 steps, 4500 signs, 1100 gates and 630 miles of path surface there is a lot to keep maintained every year. The path is used by 9 million people every year but sadly only 1% of those who use the Coast Path regularly give back.”

Backed by St Austell Brewery as the headline sponsor and GWR as the sustainabl­e transport partner, together with local companies supporting each section, walks range from 3-6 miles and are accessible by public transport. Most routes include shorter options for families and those with limited mobility.

Walkers will be joined by members of the SWCPA team, and there will be a chance to stop off at Coast Path Passport stamping points along the way.

Aletha Mays, of SWCPA, said: “This is a great way for families, friends, work colleagues and walkers of all abilities to join with us to show their love for the Coast Path or even discover it for the first time, whilst helping to protect and care for this amazing natural treasure.

To sign up for Magnificen­t 7 fundraisin­g walks visit southwestc­oastpath.org. uk

 ?? ?? > The Looe to Polperro walk along the South West Coast Path
> The Looe to Polperro walk along the South West Coast Path

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