Western Morning News

Empathy with the loss of a parent


I HAVE every empathy with Martin Hesp (October 23) regarding the loss of a parent.

Having been a full-time carer for my dad for four years and seen him through end-of-life care at home, I understand.

As a Christian I take great comfort knowing that he is now in heaven and any tears that I shed are actually for myself; he is far better off where he is. I am simply sad because I miss him.

I am comforted knowing that I will see dad again in heaven where: “Every tear will be wiped from our eyes and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain” (Revelation 21:4).”

This trust in what the Bible says about life after death is based on the factual resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ from the dead.

One of the greatest lawyers in British history, Sir Lionel Luckhoo, wrote: “The evidence for the Resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ is so overwhelmi­ng that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt.”

Martin questions death and asks: “What sort of god would invent such a cruel and nasty system?” God did not “invent” death; God created all things “very good” (Genesis 1:31).

It was Satan who tempted Adam and Eve to sin which is how the curse of death came upon the world (Genesis 2:17; 3:4; Romans 5:12). Thankfully, Jesus offers a remedy.

Whilst I remember dad with great affection, I can happily carry on life knowing that our separation is only temporary; as the apostle Paul wrote: “O death where is thy sting?” (1 Corinthian­s 15:55).

This is the Christian gospel of peace and hope offered to those who have lost loved ones of all ages. Gareth Jones


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