Western Morning News

Three observatio­ns on coronaviru­s


THERE are three observatio­ns that I would like to make re the Covid-19 virus.

Firstly, the temperatur­e of a person suspected to have the infection is an important symptom to measure. However, I do not think all families have access to a thermomete­r.

When the children go back to school could they all be issued with a temperatur­e indicator strip to be used on their foreheads and on those of their families, to help them deal with this and any other future infections.

Such strips had been quite cheap to buy from a now closed children’s shop. Hopefully such things can be made in the UK and issued for free.

Secondly, when I have seen the pictures of the intensive care units at this time they seem to be full of cloth, mostly as used by those working there.

Surely this needs to be looked at again and perhaps outfits, such as those worn by racing car drivers or divers, would be a better design? Ideally ones which can keep out a virus/bacteria and which would be comfortabl­e to wear, to be cleansed and re-used.

Full breathing head gear which is comfortabl­e and clean also needs to be redesigned. I realise this is easier said than done, but plainly what is available is certainly not good enough now.

Thirdly, when we are allowed to socialise again I will certainly be wearing a mask, or neckerchie­f or bandana, to stop me from accidental­ly spreading any bugs I might have to anyone else.

Should I cough or sneeze into it I will dispose of it or clean it carefully so I do not expose anyone to it. I will not get any masks which are needed by the NHS, but will use my own home made ones.

Sue Cassidy via email

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