Western Mail

Electric cars are not a solution to pollution


WITH COP26 looming, we still have millions of highly-polluting vehicles on our roads.

Our “wonderful” government sees the solution as being the change to electric vehicles over the next 10 years.

Of course, they will have to seriously increase the number of power stations to produce the electricit­y required for charging of these vehicles.

Where and what is their planned strategy to achieve this obviously necessary increase in output?

At present, I would not consider purchasing an electric car because the ranges advertised are not sufficient to meet my needs.

If my journeys were all relatively short so that I could charge such a vehicle overnight, then it might be feasible.

The next problem, of course, is price.

Most such vehicles are very expensive to buy.

Added to this is the dire shortage of mechanics capable of servicing these vehicles.

In the meantime, we are left with the the serious problem of exhaust particles and gases emitted by the millions of diesel and petrol vehicles which will remain on our roads for many years to come.

I have been unable to find much evidence of research being carried out to reduce this pollution and solutions need to be found now.

As usual, this government is of the opinion that large sums of money thrown at problems will provide answers.

They do not appear to have strategies which have been clearly thought out after extensive consultati­ons to address the many problems which we face.

If we had enlightene­d leadership from the top, perhaps we might see useful progress being made.

GW Hopkins Merthyr Tydfil

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