Western Mail

Man ‘enticed’ child with toys – court told


A man tried to entice a child away from his mother by telling him he had a present in his bedroom, a court was told.

David Havard, aged 26, denies abducting the three-year-old boy, who was playing, by taking him away from the lawful control of a parent and he is standing trial at Cardiff Crown Court.

Prosecutor­s said the mother overheard Havard say to the child: “Come with me. I’ve got a present in my bedroom for you.”

The court heard the incident happened on a piece of open land in Bridgend on the evening of Saturday, June 30.

Clare Wilks, prosecutin­g, said Havard had a Star Wars lightsaber toy with him.

The court heard he “chased” some children around and “repeatedly” asked the boy to go with him.

Prosecutor­s said the defendant managed to “entice” the child to follow him, talking about toys in his bedroom, and the mother had to chase him.

The mother, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was “uneasy” about what happened and called the police.

Havard was arrested and taken to Bridgend Police Station, where he accepted being in the area at the time.

He denied telling the boy about toys in his bedroom, encouragin­g him to chase him, or trying to take him away from the area.

He said at no stage did he try and take the child from the area.

Havard, from Greenacres in South Cornelly, Bridgend, denies abducting a child.

The trial continues.

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