Western Mail

US confirms trade-deal talks to start after Brexit


THE US administra­tion has formally confirmed it intends to pursue a trade deal with the UK “as soon as it is ready” after leaving the EU.

Donald Trump’s trade representa­tive, Robert Lighthizer, notified Congress of plans to open negotiatio­ns with the UK, as well as with the EU and Japan.

Talks with the EU and Japan are intended to begin “as soon as practicabl­e”, and certainly within 90 days, but the US-UK negotiatio­ns will have to wait until after the date of Brexit on March 29 next year.

A bilateral trade deal with the US is regarded by many supporters of EU withdrawal as the jewel in the crown of Brexit.

Any discussion­s are certain to spark intense controvers­y over the potential involvemen­t of American corporatio­ns in the NHS, as well as expected US demands for access to UK markets for GM crops, hormone-enhanced beef and chlorine-washed chicken.

Mr Trump’s Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, has warned continued UK adherence to EU environmen­tal, workplace and animal welfare standards following Brexit could present “landmines” in the way of a deal.

In letters to senior members of Congress, Mr Lighthizer said: “We intend to initiate negotiatio­ns with the United Kingdom as soon as it is ready after it exits the European Union on March 29, 2019.”

Mr Lighthizer said an “ambitious” US-UK deal could further expand the two countries’ deep trade and investment relationsh­ip “by removing existing goods and services tariff, and non-tariff trade barriers.”

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