Western Mail


Carwyn Jones, who will stand down at the end of the year, yesterday said it would be‘utterly wrong’not to have a female contender in the election to succeed him. Political editor David Williamson reports...


ELUNED Morgan is now all but certain to be one of the official candidates in the race to be the next Welsh Labour leader after First Minister Carwyn Jones made a passionate case at the party’s UK conference for why a woman should be in the running.

Mr Jones told delegates yesterday that only people who were displaying “wilful ignorance” would dismiss this as “tokenism”.

Mid and West Wales AM Ms Morgan – the Welsh Government’s Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning – is one nomination short of being able to compete, but the First Minister said he was ready to use his vote to ensure the race for his successor will not be an all-male contest.

Candidates need to be nominated by at least five other AMs. The only other contenders in the race are Finance Secretary Mark Drakeford, who is backed by 16 AMs, and Health Secretary Vaughan Gething, who is supported by five.

Mr Jones told the audience at the Labour gathering in Liverpool: “Conference, you will know, the fight for equality isn’t won... There are those that will fight back against every step forward that we take.

“[In] the next two weeks the contest to become the next Welsh Labour leader will begin. It is a contest in which I will play no part.

“But it is a contest, as Jeremy has said, [in which] we need to make sure that we see diversity. We need to see the widest and most diverse choice possible. I have to tell you, conference, I have always stated that it would be wrong, utterly wrong in 2018, to have such a contest without a woman on the ballot paper [and] if necessary I will lend my nomination to make sure that happens. And to describe that as tokenism will be a descriptio­n that is given by those who do so from a position of privilege and wilful ignorance.

“One hundred years on the plea of the suffragett­es for deeds for not words is alive, and as electric, and as vital as ever. Equality is not job done – it is work in progress.”

Mr Drakeford responded to Mr Jones’ interventi­on by welcoming Ms Morgan to the race, so sure is he that she will now take part.

He said: “I want to welcome Eluned Morgan to the contest to be the next leader of the Labour party here in Wales. I congratula­te her on getting the nomination­s she needs to get on the ballot paper.

“Now we go into the contest proper, which is not a personalit­y contest. It’s a contest between political ideas.

“That’s why I’m standing in the election – to offer a political choice. I look forward to putting that choice to our members right throughout Wales.”

Mr Gething strongly welcomed the developmen­t.

He said: “Carwyn is absolutely right and it’s simply obvious. It’s 2018. As I have said several weeks ago, we should not stop a woman getting on the ballot.

“Our party will be stronger and the contest will be strengthen­ed with a credible woman candidate. I look forward to the contest.”

Ms Morgan, a former MEP who is also a member of the House of Lords where she served as a Shadow Foreign Minister, said she was “delighted and impressed” by what the First Minister had done.

She said: “Carwyn has shown himself once again to be a leader of principle and a leader who responds with deeds and not words. It was the sheer persistenc­e and clamour from party members for a diverse slate of candidates to ensure a broad debate which I hope will pay off in this first phase of the leadership election campaign.

“The support from party members in the Labour conference this week was overwhelmi­ng. Perhaps it is time for a woman that suits, rather than more men in suits.”

She said she would like to be judged “on merit” rather than on gender and argued that her 15 years in the European Parliament would help as the country navigated Brexit and her experience “on Jeremy Corbyn’s front bench in the House of Lords fighting the Trade Union Bill and arguing for gay marriage rights will be invaluable”.

Mr Jones used his speech – the last he will deliver as Welsh Labour leader to the UK conference – to make a plea for decency and civility to be restored to politics and called for much greater progress on women’s rights.

He said: “It must be right that we treat one another with respect. And nowhere have I seen the need for more action, and more respect than in relation to gender inequality.

“The #MeToo movement highlighte­d to me that even the groundbrea­king steps we had taken – in particular in relation to our Violence Against Women legislatio­n – were just those. Steps.

“We need leaps forward on this agenda, and we need them today. And so today, I can announce that the Welsh Government is no longer willing to wait for the UK to ratify the Istanbul Convention on combatting violence against women and girls.”

Later, he described the depth of concern about the level of abuse which takes place against women in particular on social media.

He said: “People will say things to you on social media which they would never say to your face. The people who throw this abuse at women are cowards basically...

“And they need to be taken on. When somebody makes a threat of rape or sexual abuse, if they did that on the street they’d be arrested.

“The same should apply on social media.”

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