Western Mail



“Vanity hasn’t vanished with age”

– Veteran broadcaste­r Dame Joan Bakewell, 83, on her fake tan and make-up routine.

“Moscow could be pretty lively tonight! Wow, what a result”

– Former England strike Alan Shearer on Russia’s World Cup victory over Spain.

“I think perhaps we should stop teaching art. I think we shouldn’t be teaching kids how to do it. I don’t think you can do art at school. You do art at home”

– Writer Germaine Greer.

“I have repeatedly been told about the distinctiv­eness of my voice. I suppose I must accept that, but at times I find it surprising because whenever I hear a recording I think I sound such a pompous prat”

– Former Test Match Special commentato­r Henry Blofeld. “The arts deserve fighting for – we always have to fight for them. Proof that it’s worth it is in the pudding that we saw today”

– Actor Benedict Cumberbatc­h, pictured, at the South Bank Sky Arts Awards ceremony.

“I’m going to miss the PM team, and Tony Hall’s aftershave. I realise the BBC will close down without me and there will be a run on the pound but I can’t stay in an organisati­on that refused to let me host Songs Of Praise. I bought a jacket and everything”

– Broadcaste­r Eddie Mair jokes about his decision to leave the BBC after more than 30 years.

“He didn’t have a difficult childhood – he had an impossible childhood. He was neglected, he was abused, physically and emotionall­y and probably sexually, too”

– Lord Dobbs, author of House Of

Cards, on Winston Churchill.

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