Western Mail

UK will stand alone in a ruthless world


THE EU plans to create an integrated EU with its own finance supremo, an EU-wide work permit, a pan-EU cyber-security unit, an expansion to include Serbia and Montenegro and the creation of its own armed forces.

The aim is to create a military and economic superstate that is able to compete with the growing military and economic might of Russia, China and the US. Since the UK is leaving the EU, it will no longer be able to influence events or play its old game of divide and rule.

I wrote in the 1990s that the EU would only succeed in gaining commitment to the European project and its aims if it created a European language based on Esperanto and made it mandatory in all EU schools. Without a common European language integratio­n will only partially succeed. Esperanto or a similar language would enable EU citizens to converse and work anywhere in the EU. Without the UK this task should be easier to achieve.

I fully support the current EU plans because in an increasing­ly dangerous world military clout trumps economic power. The EU can no longer rely on the US to ride to its aid if attacked or threatened by, for example, Russia, which has just launched its Satan 2 missile that carries 12 nuclear warheads, each one 2,000 times more powerful than those dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Experts claim that one missile could destroy the state of Texas or the UK.

For the first time in centuries the UK will be alone – an island race without its empire, located off the coast of an economic powerhouse in a world dominated by economic and military superpower­s. So instead of criticisin­g the EU’s plans, the UK should concentrat­e on how it will raise living standards and ensure social justice in a highly competitiv­e and ruthless global marketplac­e. Bryan D Prescott


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