Western Mail



“I am thinking of everybody hurt and affected by yet another act of extremist brutality in one of the world’s greatest cities”

Harry Potter creator JK Rowling

“Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments”

– President Donald Trump

“The president has not yet been able to demonstrat­e the stability nor some of the competence that he needs to in dealing with crises” – Republican Senator Bob Corker

of Tennessee

“Excuse me, when are you going to be prime minister?” Question put by Isla McChesney, aged seven, to Jeremy Corbyn during a visit to Lancashire. The Labour leader told her that depended on when there was an election

“I have kissed almost every actor I have ever worked with and I’ve done I don’t know how many movies. Lately less, I’m sure I will be retiring from the kissing very soon, but I’m always the girl that gets kissed in the movies”

Actress Salma Hayek, pictured

“I think he is the best English player I have played with. He is phenomenal­ly consistent against worldclass bowlers around the world. He is genius and an unbelievab­le player to watch from the other end. He is a lesson to us all” England’s former cricket captain Alastair Cook on his successor Joe Root, both century-makers in the current Test match against the West Indies.

“MPs often chop and change their names in line with popular opinion. Would Gideon Oliver Osborne have become chancellor if he hadn’t switched to George?” Writer and editor of The Amorist

Rowan Pelling

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