Western Mail

Brothers jailed for ‘frenzied and merciless’ attack

- Liz Day Reporter liz.day@walesonlin­e.co.uk

TWO brothers have been jailed for 23 years for trying to murder a man in a “frenzied” knife attack as he walked home from Boxing Day drinks with his fiancée.

Simon Trigg, 33, and his brother Christophe­r Trigg, 36, denied attempted murder but were found guilty by a jury following a twoweek trial at Cardiff Crown Court.

Judge Eleri Rees described the attack as “frenzied and merciless”.

The court heard the incident occurred in Hafodyryny­s, Caerphilly, in the early hours of December 27 last year.

Victim Kevin Skye, 47, had been visiting family with his fiancée and they decided to call in at The Hafodyryny­s Inn on their way home around 11.30pm.

Prosecutor­s said a fight broke out near the toilets involving Simon Trigg and another man before Mr Skye stepped in as “a peacemaker”.

Other people drinking at the pub reported hearing the brothers shout they were going to get knives and “slit everyone’s throats” as the pub closed.

A witness described seeing one of the men carrying a kitchen knife with a 7cm blade.

Michael Jones, prosecutin­g, said: “This was, the prosecutio­n say, an intentiona­l and unrelentin­g attack carried out upon a defenceles­s man.”

He read out a victim personal statement from Mr Skye, who said: “Before the incident I was extremely fit but now I struggle with normal tasks.”

The victim said he used to enjoy running but now finds it difficult to walk up the stairs.

He added he can no longer help family and friends as he used to and has been unable to return to work due to his injuries. Mr Skye said: “I used to be proud of my body, but now I see scars.”

The court heard he may need further surgery. On the night of the attack, the victim’s fiancée called 999 and paramedics found he was bleeding from multiple stab wounds.

He was taken to the University Hospital of Wales by ambulance arriving just before 4.50am and underwent emergency surgery. The court heard he suffered “life-threatenin­g injuries”.

Mr Jones said: “Without the subsequent medical interventi­on we say Mr Skye would have died from those severe injuries.

“After perpetrati­ng this horrifying and merciless attack both defendants ran off, leaving him for dead.”

The court heard Mr Skye had “little recollecti­on” of the incident.

Simon Trigg, from The Glyn, and Christophe­r Trigg, who does not have a fixed address, were arrested at their mother’s home at around 4.30am. In response to the caution, Christophe­r Trigg said: “He beat my brother up.”

Michael Mather-Lees QC said his client Christophe­r Trigg felt “deep remorse” for his actions. He added: “He is not a violent man by nature.”

Christophe­r Trigg had previously pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent but maintained he had no intent to kill.

William Hughes QC, representi­ng Simon Trigg, said his client had acted “out of character”.

Simon Trigg had denied involvemen­t in the attack.

Judge Eleri Rees told the brothers the jury had rejected their version of events. She said: “I am satisfied each of you took a knife to the scene as part of a planned attack.”

The judge noted their motivation was “a mystery” and said it was possibly a case of mistaken identity.

Simon and Christophe­r Trigg were each jailed for 23 years.

After the case Jason Howells, of the Crown Prosecutio­n Service, said: “The defendants made a choice to arm themselves with a knife and carry out a vicious, sustained attack.

“Thankfully the treatment administer­ed by friends at the scene and the paramedics made a crucial difference to Mr Skye. That early interventi­on, combined with emergency surgery, saved his life.” all

 ??  ?? > Simon Trigg, 33, has been jailed for 23 years
> Simon Trigg, 33, has been jailed for 23 years
 ??  ?? > Christophe­r Trigg, 36, has been jailed for 23 years
> Christophe­r Trigg, 36, has been jailed for 23 years

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