Western Mail - Weekend

In conversati­on with the Psychic Fairy Queen


Were these beings a constant presence from then onwards?

“Once, in my rehabilita­tion hospital, their images vanished, but they were still talking in my mind. Struggling to learn to walk again, I would now hear one voice in my head, repeating, ‘Have courage, you’ll recover.’ Two years later, I was walking again and at secondary school and no longer heard the voice, although I had become extremely intuitive, often just ‘knowing’ things.

“20 years later, I again received a message of encouragem­ent, when nursing in the isolation room where I had been a patient.”

How did you adapt to them being in your life? “Guides speak to us through our intuition and mine had become even more heightened. I realised that I was getting guidance from somewhere and when I was desperate to be a nurse but turned down by hospitals because of my disabiliti­es, my ‘intuitive voice’ told me not to give up, I would get my wish – and I did!

“A medium, who was my patient, said that I was going to be a medium one day too, confirming that a guide presence was always with me. This made me more aware of my intuitive feelings when I was helping my patients and increased my confidence.

“I would ask for help by posing a mental question and then just waited for the answer to come, which wouldn’t necessaril­y be a voice in my head but a synchronic­ity, depending on the situation. Much later, as an occupation­al health nurse, these strong intuitive feelings guided me when dealing with emergencie­s or evaluating my patients’ health problems.”

How do you experience them – do you see and hear them as clearly as if they were physically here?

“The experience­s differ depending on the guide. My grandmothe­r, an ancestor guide, I sometimes saw briefly when I was experienci­ng violence with one of my partners, but more commonly I would smell her lily of the valley perfume and hear her voice inside my head, comforting and encouragin­g me. Now I just have a knowing that she is there and her love is tangible.

“Practising Reiki, I’d feel a tingling sensation and pressure on top of my hands and receive informatio­n regarding my client’s problem. This was Li Sun, a tiny Chinese lady who I glimpsed on a couple of occasions, standing with me while I worked.

“Red Kite, my mediumship guide, made himself known by drumming loudly in my bedroom every night at 10pm and again at 10.20pm, except on Sundays! This was an amazing phenomenon, made possible by an inter-dimensiona­l portal that had opened in Fairyland, my B&B, heard by many, and I

discovered what was happening by asking the medium who trained me.

“In an altered state of consciousn­ess, he taught me many things. When with a client, his presence would cause my right thigh muscle to jerk three times then he would direct my words. On leaving Fairyland and the portal, the drumming ceased – now he talks to me mentally.

“Mosis, my personal guide, was my husband in Egypt, 905BC and communicat­es through automatic writing. I put pen to paper and he writes, his beautiful handwritin­g nothing like mine. I have an aura photo in which his face is clearly visible above my head – although I have never seen him, I sense him around me.

“He’s drawn himself, Red Kite and Nimoa, an ET guide who assists me with quantum energy healing and introduced herself to me when I was in a trance state, but I don’t have any other communicat­ions from her. She has a beautiful humanoid face with a symbol on her forehead and has veil-like drapes around her head. A client saw and drew her, matching with Mosis’ drawing who said she is from Sirius.

“Each guide carries a different energy and, through experience, I can feel who is close.”

Tell us about your ET guides and their reason for contacting you.

“Nelwah, a group of four energy beings, like Nimoa, have never been incarnate on earth (hence I refer to them as ETS). They appeared to me in my bedroom as semi-transparen­t humanoid figures, around 12 feet tall, with faces but no mouths.

“Receiving communicat­ion, I saw streams of light coming from where a mouth normally would be. I had recently met my twin flame, Timothy Pope, and the communicat­ion was to explain that we had met to heal each other and then go on to combine our energies as one and heal others.

“They spoke of learning techniques using energy to facilitate deep trance states. Tim witnessed this meeting in a dream state. We went on to study matrix energetics, the healing procedure they had described. Learning and practicing this technique of sometimes instant transforma­tion and manifestat­ion has been one of the highlights of my career, along with my 1984-88 achievemen­ts at BTI as senior nursing officer.

“I’d see one of Nelwah as transfigur­ation on Tim’s face when sending distance healing and two clients saw them all while receiving healing. They too communicat­e with automatic writing and are from


1. The Hobbit JRR Tolkien

2. Atomic Habits James Clear

3. Unruly David Mitchell

4. The Cuckoo’s Calling Robert Galbraith

5. How They Broke Britain James O’brien

6. Friends, Lovers And The Big Terrible Thing Matthew Perry

7. None Of This Is True Lisa Jewell

8. Feel-good Productivi­ty Ali Abdaal

9. Pax: War And Peace In Rome’s Golden Age Tom Holland

10. Strong Female Character Fern Brady

(compiled by Audible)

Arcturus, of the Boötes constellat­ion, a planet associated with healing and helping our planet to raise its vibration.”

Tell me more about Fairyland – why do you think the fairies had such a presence there and what sort of experience­s did visitors have with them? “Fairyland (formerly Ken & Jan’s B&B) arrived in 1998, this theme creating a magical ambience, the conversion included digging out old basements, providing more accommodat­ion. However, running a larger B&B became extremely stressful and spirit told me to open an alternativ­e health business using some of the B&B rooms which would alleviate this pressure.

“So, in 2022 The Relaxation Experience was born. With the advent of many healers and therapists arriving and myself training in the healing arts, the energy in the building dramatical­ly transforme­d and many strange happenings occurred, the most wonderful being the appearance of real fairies – initially in a basement guest room, where a strange light would wake guests, usually around 2:30am, and tiny green men would be seen frolicking around.

“Later in the basement I saw several types of fairies and others witnessed them in our meditation room. An interdimen­sional portal had opened, also facilitati­ng my guide’s drumming and other strange occurrence­s. This continued until the property sale in 2005.”

Tell us a bit about your work as a medium – what motivated you to start doing this and how did you approach it?

“My mediumship training began through a synchronic­ity, it was certainly not my intention – spirit organised everything, including allowing me to see them as real people and hear messages clearly in my mind. I didn’t know what was happening but knew I had to persevere with this.

“However, I didn’t work until 2003 when spirit took charge again and because of an interactio­n I had with the police, finding myself channellin­g for them, seeing real spirit people, I was launched into working as a medium. I began to see with my third eye and words just came from my mouth when doing a reading. The communicat­ions came from passed souls via my guide initially, then as my self-trust developed, I’d receive direct downloads of informatio­n, in words and pictures.”

What motivated you to write your autobiogra­phy? “Frequently, I’ve been asked by clients and friends to write a book about all the amazing happenings and experience­s I’ve had. Teaching about the multi-verse in which we live, how to heal and manifest by letting go of past negative patterning, trusting, staying present in the now moment and having unconditio­nal love has always been my passion.

“As I became less able physically, I realised I could continue my healing career through my written words and again, spirit organised everything so that my book could be written and published. I want people to know that by having unconditio­nal love, anything is possible, my motto has always been ‘love conquers all,’ because it does.”

How would you sum up the way your spirit contacts have influenced and shaped your life and what would you say to people who don’t believe things like spirits and fairies are real? “Through all my varied experience­s, spirit helped me to believe in myself and showed me that absolutely anything is possible. ‘From fear and torment to fairies and trust’ is my story and it is up to the individual, their level of consciousn­ess playing a part, as to whether they believe me or not.”

What are you working on next?

“Teaching various groups about the informatio­n in my book, alongside my Twin Flame who has also written a book of a similar genre, is next, beginning with talks about fairies and their existence for small children and anyone else who’s interested!”

■ The Psychic Fairy Queen by Jan Murphy is out now, published by Spellbound Books

WIth an election looming and the forthcomin­g 80th anniversar­y of the D-day landings, 2024 is set to be a big year for politics and history in the world of books. “With politics, there will be a lot of books which are examining the state of things at the moment,” says Caroline Sanderson, associate editor of trade publicatio­n The Bookseller.

Notable political autobiogra­phies include MP Nadhim Zahawi’s The Boy From Baghdad (harpercoll­ins, £25, March 14), charting his journey from boyhood in Baghdad to Chancellor of the Exchequer, she predicts.

In other genres, celebrity memoirs featuring everyone from Rupaul to George the Poet, Jill halfpenny, Earl Spencer and tom Selleck will hit bookshops, while new offerings from big name novelists including David Nicholls, Alex Michaelide­s, Marian Keyes, David Baldacci and Peter James should be flying off the shelves.

here are just some of the titles which are set to create a buzz in 2024...


■ top choice

You Are Here

By David Nicholls (Sceptre, £20, April 23)

“For fiction, this is our biggest title at the moment and very much along the same lines as his bestseller one Day,” says Bea Carvalho, Waterstone­s’ head of books. It’s a love story which develops on the Coast to Coast footpath in the north of England, in which two single people who are introduced by mutual friends find themselves together on the most epic of walks.

■ ones to watch: Irish author Colm toibin, with Long Island, his long-awaited sequel to Brooklyn (Picador, £20, May 23); tiktok star and bestsellin­g novelist Emily henry’s joyful new novel, Funny Story (Viking, £18.99, April 25), about a pair of opposites with the wrong things in common.


■ top choice

The Fury

By Alex Michaelide­s (Michael Joseph, £18.99, February 1)

The bestsellin­g author of The Silent

Patient brings readers a lockedroom-style mystery set on a Greek island, featuring an unreliable narrator and a tale full of twists and turns. It’s out in February, but Waterstone­s is predicting it’s also going to be a real staple of summer reading.

■ ones to watch: All the Colours of The Dark by Chris Whitaker (orion, £20, July 16), which is part missing persons mystery, serial killer thriller – and part powerful love story; Anthony horowitz’s new novel, Close to Death (Century, £22, April 11), which sees an unpopular resident shot dead with a crossbow, while all his neighbours have a motive to kill him.


■ top choice for fiction


By Carys Davies

(Granta, £12.99, March 7)

Set against the rugged backdrop of

braidd yn hunan-fodlon, a hynny wrth i ni barhau i gerdded yn ein cwsg fewn i sefyllfa Wyddelig.

Hyd yn oed yn y Gaeltacht, dim ond 23% o deuluoedd sy’n magu eu plant yn y Wyddeleg. Mae’r argyfwng tai yno hyd yn oed yn waeth na gorllewin Cymru, heb sôn am y trosglwydd­o iaith.

Beth bynnag am rai polisïau addawol yn ymwneud ag ail gartrefi gan lywodraeth Cymru, mae crebachiad cyffredino­l yr iaith yn gwbl frawychus mewn nifer o ardaloedd o Gymru ar hyn o bryd. Mae’n ymddangos fod pawb am gael eu cysylltu gyda’r iaith (a chymryd y grantiau) ond bod dim cymaint am ei siarad.

Da felly oedd cael blas o realiti ar Radio Cymru dros yr Ŵyl gan yr Albanes Alison Roberts, yn trafod ei siom o weld y dirywiad a’r agweddau negyddol at yr iaith yn Sir Fôn.

Mi oedd clywed y stori am Alison yn ennill

Dysgwr y Flwyddyn y llynedd yn un ysbrydoled­ig, wrth iddi ddysgu’r iaith wrth fagu saith o blant ar fferm yn Sir Fôn.

Ond ar y radio soniodd am yr heriau o geisio byw drwy gyfrwng yr iaith ar yr ynys, gyda’r Cymry Cymraeg o dan warchae parhaus a’r plant yn dod adre o’r ysgol gyda mwy a mwy o Saesneg, ac agweddau rhieni eraill at yr iaith yn gwbl negyddol.

Ydi, mae’n dda gallu dathlu straeon positif, ond mae’n iawn cwestiynu faint sydd wir am ac yn siarad y Gymraeg.

Fel yn Iwerddon, prin yw’r atebion gan ein llywodraet­h am yr hyn sydd wir yn mynd ymlaen ar lawr gwlad, er gwaetha ymdrechion arwrol pobl fel Alison.

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