West Lothian Courier

Watching on laptop just wasn’t the same


Getting to watch your team on the telly is always something of a novelty for Livingston fans.

Even though it was the only option this season, it was still a novelty that wore off pretty quickly for Elliot Scott.

Now 26, he’s been a season ticket holder pretty much every year since the age of five and he can’t wait to get back to his regular Saturday afternoons rather than sitting in front of his laptop.

“For one of the best seasons in the club’s history, it’s a real shame that the emotions just weren’t the same,”he says.

“I would switch the laptop on at 2.50 and switch it off again as soon as the final whistle went. I don’t want that to be my normal Saturday afternoon.

“Following football became not really that much different to watching a TV show. There wasn’t that same connection.

“Clapping the team off after they’ve just got a big win - that’s a special moment for a football fan and we didn’t get to experience that.”

He added:“There was definitely a novelty factor at the start but when it became more obvious that the expected return to the stadium just wasn’t going to happen, it wore thin.

“There was a bit of annoyance and disengagem­ent to a certain degree, especially as having a small number of fans in the ground seemed something that should have been possible.”

He says he’s missed out on the social aspect of being at the game but says being able to watch his team has been a

‘blessing’during a difficult year as he looks forward, hopefully, to a return in time for next season.

He commented:“Group chats have been busy throughout the year. It’s been constant.

“Football has been a blessing, absolutely. I’m really happy we were able to watch the games, even if it just wasn’t the same.

“I will absolutely jump at the chance of getting back to a game when I’m allowed. I can’t wait to be in the ground again.”

 ??  ?? Fan-tastic
Elliot with dad Dougie
Fan-tastic Elliot with dad Dougie

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