West Lothian Courier




Never before has our Health and Social services been under the pressure they have experience­d in the past 12 months.

And it is right to take this opportunit­y to thank all those that have delivered health and social care across West Lothian during this awful pandemic.

We have seen the benefits of being in the UK in many areas recently and none more so than in this sector.

It has been thanks to the Conservati­ve UK Government that the extra billions that have been spent on health and social care has been available.

As a member of the Integrated Joint Board for Health and Social Care in West Lothian I have seen at first hand the severe impact SNP cuts to funding have had.

The Scottish Conservati­ves will enshrine a fair funding for councils into law and this will ensure more monies are available for Health and Social


This will be for very year, not just as a gimmick in election years that we currently get from the SNP.

Locally, I have campaigned and lobbied for the full return of the Children’s Ward at St John’s and will press for a more sustainabl­e delivery of children’s services at St John’s.

I am delighted that the Conservati­ves whilst increasing the NHS budget, will also increase the percentage for mental health support.

And I will push for even more funding and support into Mental Health Services, especially for our young persons and children who need that so much at this time.

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