Uxbridge Gazette




by Helen Phillips, Chatto & Windus, £16.99 (ebook £9.99)


IT IS hard to say too much about this eerie tale, as the idea at the core of it is so compelling and original that too much informatio­n would spoil the reader’s surprise.

Molly is a mum of a toddler and a baby and works as a paleobotan­ist at a fossil quarry where she has recently uncovered a series of odd artefacts that defy interpreta­tion, including a Coke bottle with lettering that leans the wrong way, and an alternativ­e version of the Bible.

Trapped in the dark, disorienti­ng ‘cosmic precarious­ness’ of sleepdepri­ved childcare, she is quietly losing her grip on reality. Unless she isn’t.

Things start to go wrong from the first chapter, when Molly senses an intruder in her flat. It turns out to be a slight figure in a deer mask, who reveals themselves in time as someone Molly knows only too well. Unless of course she doesn’t.

Told in terse, claustroph­obic chapters in a wonderfull­y economical yet powerfully descriptiv­e style, this is a creepy, poignant tale that picks at the very edges of what we understand to be reality. Or not.


by Mary Beth Keane, Michael Joseph, £14.99 (ebook £9.99)


THIS is a story of New York suburban life, and the physical and emotional closeness – and drama – that can materialis­e between neighbours.

Peter and Kate are best friends, having grown up in identikit houses, side-by-side, but a moment of violence sends their futures skidding in different directions. Mary Beth Keane draws two families in sharp, moving detail, as Ask Again, Yes skates through their lives, encompassi­ng decades with guile and grace. It considers friendship and mental illness, how love changes and warps, and despite a fairly slow start, does so beautifull­y.

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