TV Times

‘Terrifying & exciting!’

The four semi-finalists reflect on their time so far in the sewing room



Nicole’s daring designs and flair for colour have often won her much praise, but will her ad hoc approach be her undoing?

‘Scoring a Garment of the Week hat-trick [in episodes six, seven and eight] has got to be my top highlight so far!’ smiles Nicole. ‘I also loved my flamenco-inspired skirt in week eight. I’d been chomping at the bit to use African wax print fabrics. I’m very experiment­al. I’ve always preferred to find my own way of doing things!’


Liz impressive­ly marries traditiona­l patterns with a distinct Goth style.

‘Having Patrick tell me that the fit on my sleepwear was “perfection” in episode five was a really amazing moment,’ says Liz. ‘My favourite make was the tennis outfit in Sportswear Week [episode four] as it was just such fun to design and sew. Sewing Bee is terrifying and exciting in equal measures. I like to spend a lot of time planning but it’s taught me that sometimes it’s better just to go for it!’


Creative Matt led from the front from episode one, unravelled during 1980s Week, but impressive­ly recovered. Will it all come together one last time?

‘I still can’t quite believe I’m on Sewing Bee!’ laughs Matt. ‘I really want to impress both the judges. They’ve really helped me improve my sewing. Winning joint Garment of the Week in the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Week [episode six] was a real highlight, but my favourite make was my tea dress in the first week. It fitted the model perfectly.’


With vintage flair and precision sewing, Clare’s often top of the class, but she finds the Made-tomeasure Challenges testing.

‘Joe’s a hilarious distractio­n,’ says Clare. ‘If I ever need to make a short-notice costume after Sewing Bee, I’ll start a timer with recordings of Joe shouting, “Five minutes remaining!” My highlight so far is the palazzo pants in Holiday Week [episode two], and, surprising­ly, I enjoyed making the rugby shirt in Sportswear Week. I might wear it for decorating!’

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