Trail (UK)




NX552862 The start is a designated walkers’ car park near Forrest Lodge. Just north of the car park, cross a bridge to visit the Black Watch highlander (former ship’s figurehead). Return across the bridge then head a bit north of west on a forest track marked as Birger Natvig Road. After 2km, where the main track ahead is



Road’ fork left. In 400m a rough track leads down right towards Loch Harrow.


NX532866 Head across the loch’s outflow to its northern corner. Follow traces of an old track ahead under the trees to a leat (artificial stream) and follow it to the left back to the loch shore. Cross the leat’s outflow and another leat just beyond, then turn back right on a track. You pass a hydro-power hut, to rejoin the track called Robert Watson Road. Turn left for 500m

to where the gravelled track bends right.


NX525874 Here keep ahead on a rough old track, soon with another leat on its right. It bends across the leat by a culvert to reach the edge of plantation­s. Now a faint path heads directly uphill, weaving between some small rocky outcrops. One outcrop to right of the path can be scrambled up if wished. The path fades as the slope eases off (700m contour). Slant up

to the right to the hill shoulder called Craigrine. Keep north along it to its small cairn.


NX508877 Return south along the shoulder, and head south-west up the spur of Corserine. You pass a large shelter cairn (Hennessey’s Shelter) just before arriving on the flat summit plateau. A faint path leads south-west, then west through a very slight dip to Corserine’s summit trig point.


NX497870 Retrace steps along the summit plateau to a cairn at the end of the level ground. Hennessey’s Shelter is visible down left but instead turn down right, southeast, and follow the grassy ridge down to its tip at North Gairy Top.


NX511864 Descend east on a slight spurline down steep ground, then north-east between outcrops, to a saddle before a minor rise called Craigbrock. Turn down left, joining the edge of plantation­s. Just before Folk Burn, there’s a gap down between the trees.


NX517872 A faint path down the tree gap soon rejoins the rough track used on the ascent. Follow it out to the well surfaced forest track. Follow the track to the right, keeping ahead at the junction where you earlier arrived from Loch Harrow. The track

leads back to the start, but to vary it a little, 400m after that junction you can turn left on a track marked as Caroline Currie Road. This fords the small Lumford Burn, then stays to left of Polharrow Burn, before bending right across it and rejoining the outward route near Fore Bush house. Turn left to retrace steps to the walk start.

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 ??  ?? North Gairy Top, looking back to Corserine.
North Gairy Top, looking back to Corserine.
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 ??  ?? Descending North Gairy Top towards Loch Harrow.
Descending North Gairy Top towards Loch Harrow.
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