Today's Golfer (UK)

Help! My game’s in a slump and I can’t get out


Every golfer experience­s good and bad form along the way. But there’s plenty we can do to end a slump with a little thought.


A slump involves poor ball-striking, so ask yourself these questions: What is the ball doing? What is the club doing at impact to create that flight? What shot am I trying to hit? What does the club need to do at impact to create that? Most golfers don’t consider these questions, but you must be able to answer them if you want to be a better ball-striker.


The natural reaction when we’re struggling with our game is to work harder. This usually has limited success. Instead, maybe practise a little less but aim to be twice as productive when you do. Have a clear target for each shot, go through your full routine and vary clubs often to simulate on-course conditions.


A great antidote to poor form in the long game is a great short game. Commit to spending more of your total practice time with your wedges and putter. Getting up-and-down more often with simple short game shots is encouragin­g and keeps a score going even if you’re not hitting the ball well.


Commit to doing these simple things well and you can create your own positive momentum. 1. Clean your equipment and be organised. 2. Get to the course early and go through a great warm up. 3. Commit to a positive attitude after every shot. 4. Switch off and chat between shots. 5. Remind yourself that you play golf to have FUN.

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