Today's Golfer (UK)



An electric trolley isn’t an insignific­ant purchase, so after spending two months testing the latest models, here’s nine things you need to consider before buying one...

Weight It’s essential you’re comfortabl­e lifting the trolley into and out of the boot. So the lighter the better, especially if you also have to carry the trolley from a garage to the car.

Folded size It has to fit in the boot of your car. It’s also worth considerin­g how much space is left for your clubs, especially if you use a large cart bag. Does it stand up when folded? Really useful when it comes to storing the trolley. It’s better to stand the trolley out of the way against a garage wall as it takes up less floor space.

Electronic features How much do you really need your trolley to charge your phone or tell the time? If you already have a GPS and rangefinde­r you probably won’t need it to measure shot distances. But UV sensors, USB slots etc all come at an extra cost. Check the warranty Electronic­s have the capability of failing at any time, so to protect yourself it’s worth looking at models that give longer guarantees.

Battery life How do you usually play your golf? If it’s one round at a time go for an 18hole battery. If your habits change, buy another 18-hole battery to keep you going for 36.

Lead acid or lithium? On average lithium batteries are £100+ more than lead acid ones. But there are many advantages to the new tech: They are 75% lighter They charge faster Typically there’s a longer warranty on lithium

Lithium lifetime is up to five times longer than lead acid, saving money in the long term.

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