The Sunday Telegraph

University rector investigat­ed after social media outburst on Middle East conflict

- By Will Hazell

THE General Medical Council (GMC) has opened an investigat­ion into the rector of Glasgow University following controvers­ial comments he has made about the Israel-Palestine conflict, The Sunday Telegraph understand­s.

Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a British-Palestinia­n plastic surgeon, is being investigat­ed after at least one complaint was submitted to the regulator about his comments.

Dr Abu-Sittah, who is based in London, was installed as rector of the University of Glasgow last month after being nominated and elected by students.

In the past he has courted controvers­y over pro-Palestinia­n comments made on social media.

The surgeon has previously been accused of tweeting praise for a 1987 attack by two militants from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine that saw Israeli soldiers killed.

In a 2019 post on Twitter, he wrote: “They landed in gliders into our occupied territorie­s and killed 30 Zionist soldiers in an hour. Glory to the martyrs.”

In December 2022, he posted: “We congratula­te the brothers in Hamas and the comrades in the Popular Front on the anniversar­y of the launch. May you always be truthful, loyal and committed, may you always be proud and may your enemy be humiliated.”

The Telegraph understand­s that the GMC is investigat­ing the doctor following a complaint.

When contacted for comment, a spokesman for the regulator told The Telegraph: “We are only able to confirm the publicly available informatio­n about individual doctors as it appears on the medical register, and are not able to provide details about individual concerns or complaints. We can and will investigat­e serious concerns that suggest patient safety or the public’s confidence in doctors may be at risk.”

Mr Abu-Sittah did not respond to The Telegraph’s request for comment.

He has previously expressed regret for his choice of words, telling the Jewish Chronicle: “While I may have used emotive language at the funeral of a friend or following an extra-judicial killing, I vehemently oppose terrorism, and civilian casualties on all sides. As a surgeon, my vocation is preserving life and I repeat my calls for a sustainabl­e ceasefire and lasting peace.”

Earlier this month, the GnasherJew website, which monitors social media content, urged followers to report Dr Abu Sitta to the GMC over the publicatio­n of controvers­ial online posts.

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