The Sunday Telegraph

Indians trapped in Ukraine after ‘jobs promise’

Worried families seek return of relatives lured to UAE and transferre­d to Russia to join the army

- By Muheet Ul Islam in Srinagar and Pulwama

AT LEAST 20 Indian citizens are trapped on the front lines of the war in Ukraine after being tricked into travelling to Russia and then forced to join the army.

Relatives of some of those who have been sent to fight said their loved ones had been lured to the United Arab Emirates by the promise of a job in Dubai, only to be transferre­d to Russia. In a two-story house in Poshwan village on the Indian side of Kashmir, Raja Begum, 65, yearns for her son’s return. Azad Yousuf Kumar, 31, traveled to the United Arab Emirates in December after being promised a housekeepi­ng job by Faisal Khan, an independen­t consultant.

The agent, who is originally from India but settled in the Middle East, regularly posts such opportunit­ies on his YouTube channel, Baba Vlogs.

Surrounded by relatives and speaking through tears, Raja said: “Faisal had arranged a visa for him to the UAE. Initially he was instructed to travel to Mumbai and from there to Chennai. It’s a mystery how he ended up in Russia. For 40 days none of us could establish any contact with him,” she said, adding that her son paid Baba Vlogs around £3,000 for the job in the Middle East.

After months went by without contact, in mid-February, Ms Begum’s elder son received a call from his brother on an unknown phone number. She said the entire family was shocked to learn that he was in trouble and that he had been tricked into joining the Russian army to fight in Ukraine.

“He said that he stayed in Sharjah for sixteen days and later they were told there were no jobs in the UAE. Instead, he would be taken to Russia to work in the kitchen,” Ms Begum said. “He was immediatel­y taken to a secret military base. For two weeks he and others were taught how to use guns and throw grenades,” she said, adding that Kumar was forced to sign a contract in Russian, a language he didn’t understand.

Sajad Ahmad Kumar, Begum’s elder son and Kumar’s brother, said Baba Vlogs have trapped over a dozen men from India in a similar way. He said none of these Indian citizens went to Russia to fight of their own accord.

“Russian troops are forcing them to move into frontline areas where they face Ukrainian soldiers near the Black Sea on its southern border,” Mr Sajad said.

“All the people held against their will in Russia are facing mental and physical torment. They are denied separate spaces for meals and using the washroom,” he added.

Mohammad Amin Sheikh, a resident of Karnah village of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district, said his son Zahoor Ahmad Sheikh, 28, went missing from Russia about two months ago.

“He traveled to Russia in search of employment with no desire to engage in any conflict. Had he willingly joined the Russian military? I wonder why would he reach out for help? He was continuous­ly pleading for help so that his life could be saved,” Mr Sheikh said. “I hope the Government of India takes up the matter with the Russian government as soon as possible and bring all the Indian citizens back home safely,” he added.

“We also went to the local police and officially complained about Faisal and his team for tricking people into joining a conflict they had nothing to do with,” Sheikh said. “Furthermor­e, authoritie­s in the UAE should arrest all the members of Baba Vlogs for deceiving people,” he added.

Sajad, Kumar’s brother, said at least one Indian citizen has died in the heavy fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces. He said they have asked the Indian government for help.

“We are worried about our loved one’s safety. Russian authoritie­s should let all the Indian residents return and rejoin with their families,” he added.

Randhir Jaiswal, spokespers­on for India’s Ministry of External Affairs, said the Indian government is doing its best to get them released “as soon as possible”.

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