The Sunday Telegraph

Boost for English sparkling wine as EU red tape is scrapped


AS REVELLERS across the country prepare to toast the new year tonight, makers of English sparkling wine have welcomed a scrapping of EU red tape that takes effect from tomorrow.

From New Year’s Day, a range of Brexit reforms will be enacted that the Government has said will boost the UK’s viticultur­e industry.

The falling away of retained EU regulation­s will mean that makers of English sparkling wine will no longer have to use mushroom-shaped stoppers and foil covers on bottleneck­s.

The Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs said the change would give producers the freedom to opt for simpler packaging to reduce waste and costs.

Restrictio­ns will also be lifted on the making and selling of piquette – a lower-alcohol drink made by extracting the remaining goodness from grapes left over after winemaking.

The sale of piquette was banned in the EU in a bid to prevent the oversupply of cheap wine.

However, the Government has said that legalising the drink will give producers the option to create new income streams and tap into consumer demand for lower-alcohol drinks.

The Government will also remove the requiremen­t for imported wines to have an importer address on the label, which Defra said would reduce the administra­tive burdens on businesses.

Steve Barclay, the Environmen­t Secretary, said: “Our departure from the EU gives us the opportunit­y to review and scrap outdated and burdensome rules that have been holding back our wine sector. The reforms we’re introducin­g tomorrow will help our wine producers and traders become more profitable, dynamic and sustainabl­e – while freeing them from pointless red tape.”

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