The Sunday Telegraph

Legalising assisted suicide would usher in a dystopic nightmare

- DANNY KRUGER UGER Danny Kruger MP is chairman of the All-Party Parliament­ary Group for Dying Well.

Once you have conceded, legally, the right of some people to request official help to kill themselves, that right quickly becomes universal

Acampaign is growing in Parliament to end the ban on assisted suicide. The case for doing so is a strong one. Some people suffer as they die. Surely, on grounds of compassion and of personal autonomy we should be allowed to request and receive medical assistance to end our lives at a moment of our choosing?

I disagree with this argument, and today I am launching, with colleagues from across politics, a new all-party parliament­ary group to stand against the campaign for a change in the law. We fully appreciate the complex moral and personal issues at stake. However, the answer to managing the end of life is not to allow doctors or judges to authorise an artificial terminatio­n.

If the option exists for the doctor to prescribe your death, what conversati­ons follow? What whispers between family members, haunted by premonitio­ns of agony for their loved one – or by the prospect of years of providing wearisome and expensive care? What thoughts would it place in the mind of the old person themselves?

The old Voluntary Euthanasia Society, which used to argue for doctors to be allowed to administer fatal drugs as they can in Holland and Belgium, has changed its name to “Dignity in Dying” and restricted its campaign to assisted suicide only (when the doctor prescribes the drugs for the patient to use themselves). This is, no doubt, because of the very real dangers inherent in the Dutch and Belgian systems. Laws which were supposed to limit euthanasia to mentally competent terminally ill adults now allow the euthanasia of non-mentally competent adults, disabled children aged under 12 months, disabled adults, and even those with treatable psychiatri­c problems.

Once you have conceded, legally, the right of some people to request official help to kill themselves, that right quickly becomes universal. Why should only patients with the capacity to self-administer fatal drugs have the right to die in this way? Why only those with a terminal prognosis? Doesn’t everyone have the right to do what they like with their body? And here begins the dystopia. If you “may” terminate your life because it is not worth living, surely you “ought” to do so? And if you “ought” to do so, surely others should encourage you to do the right thing? And if you won’t, surely the state should compel you to do so?

A far better solution is to invest in the comparativ­ely recent medical speciality of palliative care. It is now possible to treat almost all pain by the careful titration of pain-relieving drugs which can be done without threatenin­g the patient’s life.

The assisted suicide lobby is in a race against time as the case for changing the law is being outpaced by developmen­ts in palliative care and as the experience of those jurisdicti­ons that have gone down the “assisted dying” road becomes clear. The future is a proper framework around the end of life – not requiring people to take the awful choice of whether and when to kill themselves.

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