The Sunday Telegraph

Gove: scrap laws on the BBC licence fee

Justice Secretary says it should not be a criminal offence if you do not pay


MICHAEL GOVE, the Justice Secretary, has called for non-payment of the BBC’s licence fee to be decriminal­ised amid growing concerns about the burden it is placing on the justice system, The

Sunday Telegraph can disclose. In a Cabinet split, Mr Gove has raised concerns with John Whittingda­le, the Culture Secretary, that television licence offences now account for one in 10 cases at magistrate­s’ courts.

Mr Gove is understood to be particular­ly concerned because the Ministry of Justice is facing some of the deepest cuts of any government department in the spending review this autumn.

Mr Whittingda­le has yet to formally rule out decriminal­ising licence fee offences, and this newspaper understand­s that he found an official review which argued against such a change “persuasive”.

He is concerned that decriminal­ising licence fee offences could lead to a significan­t increase in the levels of evasion, damaging the corporatio­n’s income stream. He also said he believed the burden on the justice system was not as severe as had been claimed.

In 2013, more than 178,300 people were prosecuted for failing to pay for a television licence, a significan­t proportion of the 1.54million cases that came before magistrate­s. Seven in 10 of those prosecuted were women, with the majority receiving fines of up to £1,000 each. About 30 people a year are jailed for the offence.

Mr Gove publically raised concerns about the criminal enforcemen­t of the television licence in July during an appearance before MPs on the justice

select committee. He said: “To what extent can we lift the burden on magistrate­s by taking some work out of court? One area which is a live area of debate is whether or not, at the bottom of the magistrate­s’ courts’ work, television licence non-payment should be decriminal­ised.”

The Sunday Telegraph understand­s that Mr Gove subsequent­ly raised his concerns directly with Mr Whittingda­le. A Whitehall source said: “There is an ongoing debate on this issue.” A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice refused to comment.

Conservati­ve MPs have repeatedly argued that licence fee offences should be decriminal­ised to bring them into line with offences relating to bills for utilities such as water, gas and electricit­y which are subject to civil penalties.

Under the proposals, which are also supported by Christians Against Poverty, unpaid licence fees would be treated as a “civil debt” and, as a last resort, would be pursued through county courts. It would not be treated as a criminal matter.

Andrew Bridgden, a Tory MP, said that the television licence had become an “anachronis­m” that “disproport­ionately penalises those with the least ability to pay”.

He said: “In the last parliament we had 150 MPs from all parties supporting decriminal­isation. They realise it is disproport­ionate for the offence of not paying the £149.50 licence fee. I understand why the BBC objects as no commercial entity would ever wish to give up criminalis­ation to protect its income stream, but it is an anachronis­m and it is wrong.

“Not only is the majority of current

MPs in favour, the vast majority of people in the country is in favour of decriminal­isation. It should be a civil offence but that would mean the BBC would have to go through normal channels to collect debts.”

The Conservati­ves attempted to decriminal­ise the licence fee in the last parliament and gained the support of 150 MPs from all parties. However, the move was blocked in the House of Lords after strong opposition from the BBC, which has warned that it could lead to the closure of channels.

Ministers ordered an official review by David Perry, a QC, which last month warned against decriminal­ising the licence fee. He said that the move “carries the risk of an increase in evasion and would involve significan­t cost to the taxpayer”.

The future of the licence fee is now being considered by the Government ahead of the renewal of the Royal Charter next year.

While all options are being considered, The Sunday Telegraph understand­s that Mr Whittingda­le accepts the concerns raised by Mr Perry about the risks of decriminal­isation.

The review states that while there are more than 170,000 prosecutio­ns in a year, they occupy just 0.3 per cent of court time because they are often dealt with in single sittings. The Government is also examining a range of proposals including the idea of forcing viewers to pay extra for “premium” content such as drama and sport.

Under one proposal, the licence fee could be used to pay for “core” TV services while viewers could pay a subscripti­on for more expensive content.

A BBC spokespers­on said: “The Government’s own evidence-based review found that licence fee evasion should not be decriminal­ised and that the current system is broadly fair, proportion­ate and provides good value for both licence fee payers and taxpayers.”

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