The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Royal Navy veteran puts fitness and mental health first

Thomas Smith’s quality of life was transforme­d with support from Sight Scotland Veterans

- By Charlotte Cairney

In life, challenges often present themselves unexpected­ly, testing the limits of our resilience and determinat­ion. Thomas Smith, a remarkable individual and veteran of the Royal Navy, faced such a challenge head-on when he was medically discharged in 2021 due to retinitis pigmentosa, a condition that rapidly robbed him of his sight.

However, Thomas’ story is not one of defeat, but a testament to his spirit of strength and perseveran­ce.

With 14 years of service in the Royal Navy behind him, Thomas found himself at a crossroads as his eyesight began to deteriorat­e.

This led to the unfortunat­e loss of both his job and his driver’s licence, but he refused to let adversity define his life. He turned to the support of Sight Scotland Veterans, an organisati­on that would become a pillar of hope on his journey.

Thomas explained: “I was assigned a worker and they’ve given me so much support over the last two years with financial and emotional wellbeing. Support workers have come to visit me and check on me regularly if I’ve had a bad time or had any more degradatio­n.

He continued: “Before I had contact with Sight Scotland Veterans I had very little help, there was only support phonelines, but Sight Scotland Veterans provided a much more effective service. They would reach out to me and would come out to the house for one-toone support sessions. For example, if I message my case worker, they already know me and my story, which really helps it to feel like a much more personal experience.”

His house was assessed, and he was equipped with special glasses and specialise­d lamps to make daily life more manageable.

Thomas said, “I’m a firm believer in training and fitness for all round health including mental health. I was given funding for a fitness bike to have in the house which has been really useful as it can sometimes be difficult to get out in the evenings especially in winter, so getting the bike has been a huge help all round.”

He added: “Sight Scotland Veterans went above and beyond, checking in often and extending invitation­s to various activities at their centre.”

Thomas highlighte­d that he also took part in activities at the centre during his free time, not only regaining some of his lost confidence but also acquiring new skills through specialise­d classes.

He said, “I take part in an archery class on a Saturday, there I get to meet others who also take part in the class who are going through a similar experience. In the class, Sight Scotland Veterans support people with sight problems by adapting the set-up for archery.”

And the story doesn’t end here, as Thomas decided to embark on a fundraisin­g journey. He participat­ed in the Kilt Walk, demonstrat­ing his determinat­ion to give back and make a difference.

Now, he’s planning an even more ambitious challenge of completing the West Highland Way, all in the name of raising funds for Sight Scotland Veterans.

Thomas has shown immeasurab­le strength and has proven that nothing can stand in his way as he now works full-time at technology corporatio­n Lockheed Martin, where he has dedicated himself to training and designing for submarines.

Drawing from his extensive experience in the Royal Navy, he has transition­ed to a position that allows him to leverage his skills, making adjustment­s to accommodat­e his visual impairment.

Overall, Thomas explained the impact of the support from Sight Scotland Veterans.

He said: “My quality of life has definitely improved by being with Sight Scotland Veterans, knowing they are there for support and assistance at any time has been comforting and helped me greatly.”

In the face of adversity, this veteran’s journey reminds us that with the right support, an unwavering spirit and a commitment to making the most of every opportunit­y, no obstacle is too great to overcome.

 ?? ?? RESILIENCE: Thomas Smith is flourishng with the support of Sight Scotland Veterans.
RESILIENCE: Thomas Smith is flourishng with the support of Sight Scotland Veterans.

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