The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Ayrshire munitions depot strike: Defence Secretary urged to act

- By Tim Knowles

Defence secretary Ben Wallace has been urged to intervene to prevent more strikes disrupting the supply of missiles to Ukraine.

Patricia Gibson MP has written to the UK minister demanding action to settle the ongoing dispute at a munitions depot in Ayrshire.

Gibson, SNP MP for North Ayrshire and Arran, called for action as Ukrainian politician­s and trade unions voice support for the GMB Scotland members striking at the Defence Equipment & Support (DES) complex in Beith.

Non-craft workers preparing arms for shipment at the depot, part of the Ministry of Defence, will walk out again this week in their fight for the same bonus payments as colleagues assembling munitions.

Gibson told Wallace that a resolution was urgently needed to protect the supply of equipment to UK armed forces and the Ukrainian frontline. She added: “The disparity in the treatment of workers at the site can only cause ongoing disruption at this extremely challengin­g time.

“The staff have not taken the decision to take industrial action lightly. However, they cannot accept a two-tier workplace.

“I would be grateful if you could intervene to ensure DES management provide parity, fairness and equality for its workforce.”

DES delivers equipment and support services to the UK armed forces but staff are divided between craft workers, who assemble the weapons, and non-craft colleagues who prepare them for shipment.

Extra payments are made to managers and craft workers to help prevent them leaving but not paid to non-craft colleagues earning less than £21,000 a year.

The GMB says the pay gap between craft and non-craft workers has tripled to £18,000 in recent years and warns that the strike will disrupt shipments of Storm Shadow and Brimstone missiles to Ukraine.

Gibson has written urging the interventi­on of the defence secretary days after Lesia Vasylenko, a highprofil­e Ukrainian MP, thanked the workers for their “life-saving” work.

The politician said: “I thank every one of them, support their fight for fairness and urge managers to negotiate an end to this dispute and ensure their crucial work continues.”

The Confederat­ion of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine has also voiced support for the strikers.

More than 50 GMB Scotland members walked out for two days earlier this month and plan two more days of strike action on Friday and the following Monday after 93% backed industrial action.

GMB Scotland organiser Chris Kennedy said: “This is the first strike at DES and management should listen to the voices being raised in support of our members.”

An MoD spokesman said: “Contingenc­y measures are being implemente­d to ensure the continued operation of the site. We remain open to dialogue.”

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