The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

D’ohhhhh! James went from Larbert to Laurel & Hardy


Does Falkirk have any connection with Laurel & Hardy? I happened to mention to a pal that I had visited a museum to the comic geniuses in Ulverston, birthplace of Stan Laurel. That’s when my pal said there was something about Falkirk in the back of his mind, but he couldn’t quite remember what it was. Was Oliver Hardy born there? – A. Oliver Hardy was an American, born in the city of Harlem, Georgia, in 1892. And, as you say, Stan Laurel was originally British, born in Ulverston, Lancashire, in 1890. I believe your friend is mistaken about Falkirk, though, and he really means the nearby town of Larbert, which is the birthplace of a great comic actor, James Finlayson, in 1887. Finlayson appeared in 33 films with Laurel & Hardy, usually as a villain of some sort. He is probably best known for his bushy walrus moustache, his greatly exaggerate­d double-take and his characteri­stic expression: “D’ohhhhh!” He began his working life as a tinsmith before taking up acting in Scotland, eventually emigrating to the US in 1911. There, he found work in the movies, appearing in Keystone Kops films. However, the big time beckoned as he began to appear in roles alongside Laurel & Hardy, including great films such as Way Out West, Pardon Us and Our Relations. Finlayson’s “D’ohhhhh!” expression lives on, as it inspired Dan Castellane­ta, the voice of Homer Simpson, to come up with Homer’s iconic “D’oh!”

 ??  ?? Larbert-born comic actor James Finlayson, centre, with Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel and Sharon Lynn in 1937 goldmine caper Way Out West
Larbert-born comic actor James Finlayson, centre, with Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel and Sharon Lynn in 1937 goldmine caper Way Out West
 ??  ?? It’s a bit of a stereotype, I know, but I can’t help thinking all Aussies go around saying: “Fair dinkum” all the time. Where did the phrase originate? – P. As Australian as “G’day, cobber” or “amber nectar”, “Fair dinkum” comes from the goldfields of the state of Victoria in the 1850s. Chinese workers used the term “Ding kum” to confirm a deal was honest and true, and that has been corrupted to “Fair dinkum” over time.
It’s a bit of a stereotype, I know, but I can’t help thinking all Aussies go around saying: “Fair dinkum” all the time. Where did the phrase originate? – P. As Australian as “G’day, cobber” or “amber nectar”, “Fair dinkum” comes from the goldfields of the state of Victoria in the 1850s. Chinese workers used the term “Ding kum” to confirm a deal was honest and true, and that has been corrupted to “Fair dinkum” over time.
 ??  ?? What became of Freddie Garrity, lead singer with a great band of the ’60s, Freddie And The Dreamers? – I. Sadly, Freddie died, aged 69, in 2006. As a frontman, Freddie was a bit different, to say the least, as his comic antics would see him leap about the stage, arms and legs flailing in an attempt to raise a few laughs. Musically, the band were more serious, achieving four Top 10 hits in 1963-64.
What became of Freddie Garrity, lead singer with a great band of the ’60s, Freddie And The Dreamers? – I. Sadly, Freddie died, aged 69, in 2006. As a frontman, Freddie was a bit different, to say the least, as his comic antics would see him leap about the stage, arms and legs flailing in an attempt to raise a few laughs. Musically, the band were more serious, achieving four Top 10 hits in 1963-64.
 ??  ?? A couple of weeks ago, you stated that Moffat has the shortest street in Scotland, yet on an article on the North Coast 500 in the same issue, you claim it’s in Wick! – J. Well spotted, and thanks for pointing it out. However, I maintain I am correct as Wick’s Ebenezer Place, at 6ft 9in, isn’t really a street, it’s the edge of a building which has frontages on two other streets.
A couple of weeks ago, you stated that Moffat has the shortest street in Scotland, yet on an article on the North Coast 500 in the same issue, you claim it’s in Wick! – J. Well spotted, and thanks for pointing it out. However, I maintain I am correct as Wick’s Ebenezer Place, at 6ft 9in, isn’t really a street, it’s the edge of a building which has frontages on two other streets.
 ??  ?? I haven’t seen one of my favourite actresses, Susie Amy, on TV much recently, apart from a recent episode of Holby City. What is she up to these days? –J. Actually, Susie has recently been in several episodes of Hollyoaks. She also writes a blog at blusherand­blogging. com and is a brand ambassador for ARK Skincare. Susie is an occasional panellist on The Wright Stuff.
I haven’t seen one of my favourite actresses, Susie Amy, on TV much recently, apart from a recent episode of Holby City. What is she up to these days? –J. Actually, Susie has recently been in several episodes of Hollyoaks. She also writes a blog at blusherand­blogging. com and is a brand ambassador for ARK Skincare. Susie is an occasional panellist on The Wright Stuff.

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