The Sunday Post (Inverness)

A year to eat, drink and be merrier: Kitchen experts on making a meal of the big day

To push the boat out to make sure Christmas dinner is extra special this year

- By Alice Hinds

It is always a little special but this year, of all years, many of us are pushing the boat out for Christmas dinner.

Shops report a run on top-of-the-range turkeys and other high-end ingredient­s while smaller tables mean we are tempted to spend more on special treats.

Here, we quizzed four of Scotland’s top chefs to discover how to keep your diners happy, as well as the secret ingredient they use to make a truly indulgent festive feast.

It’s a tempting tipple we usually enjoy at Christmas markets, but veteran chef Martin says mulled wine can bring life and flavour to so many dishes. He explained: “You want the smells and tastes that remind you of Christmas to be there in the food, and mull wine spices really do that. We usually add vanilla and brandy and mixed spices to the wine to give it that little bit extra – and you can do the same with warm cider and apple juice. “As well as using mulled wine to poach pears, you can also reduce the liquid down and create a syrup dressing for salads. It goes great with cheese, too. Deep-fry some brie and finish by drizzling your mulled wine syrup on the top to really lift the whole dish.”

By the time the big day rolls around, Martin admits he’s usually sick of eating the traditiona­l turkey, and agrees you can’t go far wrong by keeping dishes straightfo­rward and simple. “If we’re doing Christmas party nights and services at the restaurant, from the end of November right through December, we’ve seen more than enough turkey,” he joked. “I’ll just have something nice like a steak or a roast bird like capon. I would always advise home cooks to buy the best-quality meat they can afford and don’t over-complicate things. You can try different things, but you need to make sure the basics are right on the day. And keep both your plates and your gravy


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