The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Thedoc Replies

Our expert answers your medical questions


I want to lose weight, but diets leave me feeling hungry. How do I create a calorie deficit without feeling hungry all of the time?

People often think starving or crash dieting is the best way to lose weight, but that often leads to losing weight and then putting it on again quickly – or putting on even more weight than before. The goal is longterm weight loss, and of course the way to do that is to create a calorie deficit. However, it is important that you do not try to achieve this by doing things such as skipping breakfast or putting complete bans on your favourite unhealthy foods (as that will probably make you crave them more). If you are a drinker, try to cut down your alcohol intake, as it tends to be very high in calories. When snacking, go for fruit and vegetables as they are full of fibre and fill you up more, as well as being generally low in calories and fat. Switch to whole wheat bread and pasta as they tend to be higher in fibre and are better for you. Try to drink more water, as people sometimes think they are hungry when they are in fact just thirsty. Do not bring junk food into the house, as you will be more tempted to eat it.

Slow down when you eat and wait 10 minutes before you go for a second portion, as it takes some time for the stomach let the brain know that it is full.

How do I avoid developing an ingrown toenail?

The important thing is to trim your toenail straight across, as the most common cause of ingrown toenails is people cutting or picking down the sides. Do not let your toenails grow too long, as that can put pressure on them and encourage an ingrown nail, and on the same note, do not wear shoes that are too tight. Trauma can also cause it, so if you are at risk of this at work or while doing DIY, wear protective steel-capped boots.

What is a trapped nerve?

A trapped nerve is when pressure is put on the nerve by surroundin­g tissue, which can be bone, cartilage, muscle, etc. It can cause pain, tingling, weakness, or a combinatio­n of all three. Examples of conditions caused by trapped nerves are sciatica, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.

The Doc Replies

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