The Sunday Post (Dundee)


Your future in the stars:

- With Jane Ridder-patrick


It may be hard to distinguis­h between fantasies and inspired hunches this week, but you’ll have a better chance of doing so if you slow down and reflect before jumping in. Some plans with friends or groups you belong to may need revising over the next few months.


With the lunar eclipse in your shared resources and transforma­tion area it’s a great time to have a rummage around any junk you’ve been holding on to and have a clear-out. With Mercury retrograde from Saturday, paying attention to financial details is indicated.


Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in your partnershi­p area prompts you to check your commitment­s to see if any changes need to be made. From Saturday you may feel you’re taking one step forward and two back in your plans for influencin­g others, but advantages will become clear.


What you need to do to improve your health and efficiency could be highlighte­d by the lunar eclipse on Wednesday and with it may come some practical informatio­n for making wiser choices. Persistenc­e will bring positive results and your intuition is on your side at the moment, urging you on.


Someone close may be having second thoughts about an arrangemen­t you thought was fixed but this could give you the chance to improve the agreement. The lunar eclipse in your self-expression sector may find you dropping an activity or hobby that has had its day.


Some old habits and ideas about your home and goals could feel stale and you’re ready to replace them with something fresher. Pay attention to your feelings around Wednesday’s eclipse as these could show you what you really feel about your domestic situation.


Useful info is coming from all sides at the moment so keep your mind open. Brothers, sisters or neighbours could be helpful in pointing you in the right direction. Changes in responsibi­lities for children could be coming and knowing what you want will help you negotiate.


As Wednesday’s lunar eclipse falls in your area of finances, values and self-worth a closer look at these could be called for over the coming six months. Don’t take news about the motivation­s of others at face value. It’s well worth getting the full picture.


The lunar eclipse in your sign signals it’s time to get weigh up the balance between your needs and wishes and those of others you’re in relationsh­ip with. There should be plenty to discuss with them now and it’s largely in your hands how you deal with this. Fairness is by far the best policy.


Wednesday’s eclipse hints that it’s time to retreat into yourself and take stock of what your most important values are. Some news or an idea that comes to you this week could help you understand a work or service issue better and smooth the path to more clarity about what needs to be done.


You’ve a big contributi­on to make to societies you belong to over the coming months, so give of your best. Your actions in a friendship matter can make a real difference. The urge to be creative or be with children could be strong now and following this pays dividends.


Wednesday’s eclipse in your career and public life area suggests that as one role comes up for completion, another begins. Appreciati­on could be coming your way for past efforts in helping others. It’s an excellent time to note what brings you joy at home.

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