The Sunday Post (Dundee)

I think you know when you could look a bit fresher


As a model Lisa Hague, 35, knows the importance of looking good but even she admits seeing herself in Zoom calls has made her even more aware of her imperfecti­ons.

The mum of three, who is married to former Celtic footballer Kris Commons, said: “During lockdown

Steph Harrison

was a busy time for us. Kris and I had to home-school the kids and I was working 12 hours a day on my new candle business. It was pretty manic and stressful and tiring – and it all took its toll on my skin.

“I think you know yourself when you feel you could look a bit fresher and I thought my neck was looking like it needed tightening a wee bit so I booked into my regular clinic Sur Medispa in Uddingston for a HIFU face treatment, which uses heat energy to renew collagen in the skin.

“I started having botox and lip fillers a couple of years ago, but only after a long time of noninjecta­ble skincare treatments. I used to see other footballer­s’

Zoom calls made Lisa Hague aware of her looks wives and girlfriend­s starting to have botox as young as 19, but I didn’t go down that route until I felt I was ageing enough. I am comfortabl­e in my own skin, but I do like to look fresh and I feel the treatments give that little boost.”

Similarly, when insurance worker Steph Harrison, 41, from Inverclyde, on video calls noticed wrinkles and frown lines she signed up for more botox.

“I had had botox before – but during lockdown I really noticed I needed to have it again.

“I usually travel up and down to London for face-to-face meetings, but these moved online to video calls.

“I started to notice the frown lines at the top of my head and the wrinkles round my eyes. Before Covid, I would have a fleeting glance in the mirror, but on camera is different because you see so much more of yourself and everyone is looking at you and your every move.

“Of course, it’s just a natural part of the ageing process, but I like the look so when I spotted the signs, I booked into the clinic to have a botox top-up.

“I’m really happy with the results and have no qualms about it.

“I always say ‘never say never’ and we should do whatever makes us feel confident and comfortabl­e.”

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