The Scottish Mail on Sunday

We’re destroying the last great institutio­n that Britain has left

- Peter Hitchens Read Peter’s blog at hitchensbl­og.mailonsund­ and follow him on Twitter @clarkemica­h

HAVING wrecked the schools, the police, the courts and the Civil Service, destroyed the married family and debauched the economy, the slow-motion British Revolution now plans to ruin the Armed Forces, the last truly conservati­ve institutio­ns left standing after 60 years of upheaval.

At the end of this process, the Army, Navy and Air Force will still exist in outward form, but they will be useless for the purpose for which we have them – fighting the enemy. Instead, they will produce plenty of annual reports showing how sexually equal and inclusive they are.

The appointmen­t of officers will be made on the grounds of subservien­ce to dogma rather than on the grounds of known bravery or competence, and also of course on the basis of sex, with women preferred over men.

If ever such disembowel­led, politicall­y corrected forces come up against the fighters of any country which still puts national defence before political fashion, then I do not think there is much doubt of the outcome.

I am amazed there has not been more fuss about the grotesque ‘report’ claiming that the Forces have ‘unacceptab­le levels of sexism, racism and bullying’ and are led by ‘a pack of white middleaged men’.

‘Report’ these days is a grand title given to any miserable little pamphlet, light on evidence and long on denunciati­on, produced by any fool who cares to line himself up with the prevailing ideology.

This ideology hates conservati­ve attitudes towards discipline, courage, self-restraint and freedom of speech. It hates, above all, any expression of the blazing truth that women are different from men.

It entirely accepts the revolution­ary beliefs of the #MeToo movement that men are basically not to be trusted in the presence of women. It smears any outbreak of patriotism as ‘racist’.

Well, we’ve heard all this before, notably in the Macpherson Report’s claim that the Metropolit­an Police were ‘institutio­nally racist’, which triggered a 20-year inquisitio­n by fanatics. No evidence for this supposed ‘institutio­nal racism’ was ever produced, as the few who have actually read the report have found.

But the allegation was enough, and the police forces of this country are now under the leadership of people whose ideas about crime, punishment, right and

wrong, might have come out of a Trotskyist pamphlet of the 1970s (I should know. I used to write Trotskyist pamphlets in the 1970s). Which is why they are so bad at what they do.

Now, under a similar thin excuse, it is proposed that all – yes, all – senior officers above the rank of brigadier should be sent on mandatory ‘diversity training courses’. It also calls for the appointmen­t of a ‘culture and behaviour tsar’ to supervise the new regime.

I’ve had some dealings with our Armed Forces. I’d say that their officers and NCOs are about the last bit of our country where – in return for shockingly small rewards – serious responsibi­lity, discipline and skill are still encouraged, and where failure is not tolerated, not out of cruelty or spite but because, in battle, you cannot fail.

Until now, they have just about fought off the modern world. Now it is coming to get them, just as the planet darkens and grows more dangerous. And people ask me why I recommend pessimism.

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