The Scottish Mail on Sunday


- By Nick Cowan OSTEOPATH

SLIPPED discs, arthritis, muscle stiffness and other postural imbalances – they all cause backache and might be written off as part of the ageing process, but it’s not as inevitable as you might believe.

The condition of our muscles plays a huge part what I like to call our ‘back age’.

And although wear and tear does play a role in ageing, it’s possible to maintain a healthy spine and muscular system simply by moving more efficientl­y. This exercise, which is called the Wall Crawl, will help to improve the strength and flexibilit­y of your back, making it younger.

Stand with your back facing the wall, ideally at least half a metre away from it, but closer if you need to, to start with. Lean your head back and extend your arms backwards over your head, so your arms touch the wall. The aim is to make a 90-degree angle, but just go as far as you can manage. Slowly ‘crawl’ – by moving your hands downwards – along the wall, as far as is comfortabl­e, but not so far that you can’t return to standing. Measure from the ground up to where you are able to finally touch the wall (you might need someone to help) and try to get lower than this over time.

NOTE: If you can’t reach behind you, do not attempt exercise. Anyone with conditions such as arthritis or osteoporos­is should consult a healthcare profession­al first. Remember… exercising should be pain-free!

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