The Scottish Mail on Sunday

SNP risks losing Indyref 2 over Europe, admits Neil

Former health secretary says tactics could alienate 400,000 Brexit voters


NICOLA Sturgeon will lose a second independen­ce referendum if she links it to rejoining the EU, her former health secretary has warned.

Alex Neil said she risks alienating 400,000 voters who back both Brexit and independen­ce.

He is one of up to six Nationalis­t MSPs who secretly defied the First Minister and voted Leave.

Yesterday, Nationalis­t MP Angus MacNeil, who has been given a top job scrutinisi­ng trade deals, refused to comment on speculatio­n he also backed Brexit.

Miss Sturgeon has claimed a second independen­ce referendum is ‘highly likely’ after 62 per cent of Scots voters backed Remain, but the UK as a whole voted Leave.

In a speech tomorrow, she will blame UK Government austerity for Brexit, in a bid to reach out to Leave voters.

But Mr Neil believes she must go further and drop EU membership from her independen­ce bid.

‘Around 400,000 people voted for independen­ce and Brexit,’ he said. ‘We risk losing the support of a significan­t proportion of them, not voting for independen­ce next time, if they believe they will simply swap Westminste­r rule for Brussels.

‘I fear we risk losing a second referendum if independen­ce is tied up with a return to EU membership. Not only do we need to ensure we are not alienating Brexit voters, but we need to listen to what Remainers are now saying about the EU.

‘Just because they voted for the UK to stay in does not mean they would want an independen­t Scotland to rejoin if the rest of the UK has left the EU, especially if there is the possibilit­y of customs posts at Gretna.’

A Scottish Labour source said: ‘Rumours of Angus MacNeil voting to Leave aren’t surprising. The question – given his track record and reputation – is whether or not he meant it or just put his cross in the wrong box.’

Miss Sturgeon insisted Mr Neil is ‘entitled to his view’.

She will say tomorrow at the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute: ‘Austerity has already caused huge social harm and brought no economic benefit – it has failed, categorica­lly and comprehens­ively, on its own terms.

‘We know people on low incomes were more likely to vote to leave the EU, as were areas with low employment rates. UK economic policy has just not given enough people enough grounds for hope.’

Scottish Tory deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said: ‘Alex Neil is fast becoming the sole sane voice within the SNP.

‘First he confirmed what many of us expected, that some SNP politician­s were happy to back Brexit. Now he’s admitting a second independen­ce referendum would not be won by the SNP.

‘Angus MacNeil must also examine his own conscience.

‘If he voted to leave the EU, he should admit as much and explain his reasons for doing so.

‘Otherwise, he will look like a coward in the face of the SNP’s famous gagging habits.’

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WARNING: Former Minister Alex Neil

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