The Scottish Mail on Sunday


- Eve McGowan

EXCESS production of the skin pigment melanin can cause blotchy uneven patches of darker skin, known as hyperpigme­ntation or, more commonly, liver spots.

Although harmless, they can be unsightly, appearing most commonly on the backs of the hands. Sun damage is a common cause and pregnancy hormones can also trigger the condition.

Two recent pregnancie­s and many years as a sun-worshipper have left me with blotches of darker skin just above my upper lip, on my cheeks and under my eyes. In the winter I cover them with a foundation, but as summer approaches I’d rather not have to cover up with lots of make up.

Where’s the solution?

The Bliss Labs active 99.0 anti-ageing facial is on offer at their day spa at South Kensington in London.

What’s the treatment?

The 75-minute facial promises to firm, smooth and reduce the appearance of fine lines as well as helping to reduce the discolorat­ion caused by hyperpigme­ntation. The therapist begins by cleansing my skin with an exfoliatin­g powder cleanser. She then gets started with the microderma­brasion machine, which works like a mini-hoover to suck up the dead skin cells, and applies a glycolic peel which targets the hyperpigme­ntation by breaking apart the dead, damaged cells and peeling away the dark marks.

After this she applies a serum, which contains kojic acid (this helps to reduce the appearance of dark spots and discolorat­ion and even out the skin tone) and niacinamid­e, a form of Vitamin B which can even out skin tone.

She then uses a wand attached to a micro-current machine to deliver tiny electrical impulses which enhance the penetratio­n of the active ingredient­s in the serum.

The micro-currents also have an anti-ageing effect by increasing blood and lymph circulatio­n and boosting the production of collagen and elastin.

The therapist follows up by applying an eye cream to help diminish puffiness and dark circles. She then applies an intensive moisturise­r which contains glycolic acid (known to help fade the effects of hyperpigme­ntation), and finishes off by applying an SPF 30 to the face – important as microderma­brasion can increase the skin’s photosensi­tivity for two weeks.

Does it work?

My skin felt fresher and clearer and its tone was brighter and more even. This was the perfect preparatio­n for scaling down my make up routine as the summer approaches. The blisslabs active 99.0 facial is £195. To book a treatment, call 020 7590 6146 or visit

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