The Scottish Mail on Sunday



WHO doesn’t like a slice of pizza? The problem is, you can’t just have one... or two. And before you know it you’ve scoffed hundreds of calories, fat, salt, and not much goodness. If only there was a way to make delicious pizza more healthy. Well, there is.

The base of this pizza is made with cauliflowe­r. It sounds bizarre, but it’s delicious, gluten-free and rich in Vitamin C and has less than half the calories of a bread base.

It can go a bit cakey if you eat it cold as the base absorbs water from the topping. But then, you shouldn’t be eating pizza for breakfast anyway.

Pick your favourite toppings. One suggestion would be to spread a tomato-based sauce over the pre-cooked base, then add a finely chopped small red onion, halved cherry tomatoes, chunks of mozzarella and a little salami, as an occasional treat. Once cooked, throw over some fresh basil leaves. SERVES TWO

INGREDIENT­S 350g cauliflowe­r 1 large free-range egg 40g grated mozzarella 15g grated parmesan 1/ teaspoon dried parsley

2 1/ teaspoon dried oregano

2 1/ teaspoon red chilli flakes

2 1/ teaspoon garlic powder

2 Pinch of salt and pepper DIRECTIONS

Pre-heat oven to 200C/420F/ Gas mark 7 and generously grease a baking tray with oil.

Put the cauliflowe­r into a food processor and finely chop on the highest setting until a fine crumb texture is achieved. Drain excess moisture from the cauliflowe­r by squeezing through a tea towel.

Add all the ingredient­s into a bowl and mix thoroughly.

Spread the mixture on to the baking tray into a round shape, and about half an inch thick, and cook for 20 minutes or until golden and firm.

Remove from the oven, add your choice of topping, then return to the oven for 12 minutes.

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